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Presentation transcript:


THE BIG PICTURE A Common Inspection Framework (CIF) for all providers with sharper descriptors that will help school leaders to consider their improvement actions in terms of 'cause and effect'. Small change to the ordering and labelling of judgements - L&M (but now a central focus); Q of T,L & A; PD,B&W; Early Years; Effectiveness of 16-19 study programmes Clarity about what Ofsted does not expect (pages 10-12). It is up to schools to justify their practices on their own merit and in their own formats "Inspectors must use all their evidence to evaluate what it is like to be a pupil in the school" para.124)

PROCESSES RI SCHOOLS and those NOT YET CATEGORISED – little change to Section 5 process (although slight change to RI re-inspection window) GOOD SCHOOLS - Risk assessment normally begins in 3rd year after previous inspection involving analysis of attainment, progress and attendance, qualifying complaints, Parent View and concerns. Short inspection process follows. OUTSTANDING SCHOOLS, including Academy convertors, are exempt from Section 5 but can be inspected under Section 8 (short inspection process). NB. This is not the case for special schools and other similar types of school – they will have Section 5 process.

THE SHORT INSPECTION Led by HMI at present time – generally just one HMI for one day for schools less than 600 pupils (most primaries): 2 HMI for one day for most secondaries Premise is “that most good schools stay good at next inspection” Will focus on L&M and safeguarding using all information available to determine trails (any activity discussed with school on the day - rather like current monitoring visits of category schools) The day is to arrive at clarity in answer to 2 questions, determining capacity and school’s handle on weaknesses: Does the school continue to be good? Is safeguarding effective?

THE SHORT INSPECTION Initial discussion with senior leaders will be pivotal to the gathering of evidence. Expectation that leaders know school strengths and weaknesses, gaps in performance etc and have actions in place (and are slick at showing evidence of impact!) Emerging and then final judgements may lead to - a) confirmation that school is good at the end of the day, followed by a letter (no individual judgements) b) conversion to S5, with other inspectors (4-5 for secondaries the next day or within 48hours) to complete full inspection judgements, followed by full report

THE SHORT INSPECTION Understanding the reasons for conversions - insufficient evidence to arrive at conclusion (much better for schools to be fully prepared and cognisant) - concerned the school is looking less than good - evidence suggests it could be better than good Whichever way: conversion does not predetermine the result by end of Day 2!

THE REVISED GRADE CRITERIA L and M: Curriculum and assessment underpins all (read what inspectors will consider to determine L&M criteria on pages 38/39); an even higher profile of Safeguarding; keen focus on governance again; even higher profile of disadvantaged pupils (PP) pages 41/42. Very explicit expectations re: radicalisation / extremism / FBVs and SMSC Q of T , L and A: much more detailed evaluation criteria (pages 49/50) especially re-teacher intervention for impact; importance of behaviour for learning … training students to learn, as well as to learn from mistakes; to want to find out more – depth of learning.

THE REVISED GRADE CRITERIA PD, B&W: 2 judgements: one for behaviour and one for PDW - the lowest determines: much more focused consideration of students’ views of each other Focus on what students can do as a result of provision (new or additional criteria), being ready to learn: (equipment et al), keep themselves safe, make choices from careers guidance and prevent misuse of technology Teachers explicitly should be challenging derogatory language and promoting understanding of the effects of bullying and prejudice on students PDW Attendance still high profile: more focus on PA (page 51)

THE REVISED GRADE CRITERIA Outcomes: Absolute focus now on current achievement (page 54) : “most weight given to students currently in school” -schools have to have good tracking and progression evidence of all groups in all years Helpful precision re: disadvantaged students (page 55) i.e. the comparison against all students nationally from the same starting points and the in-school gaps Similarly (page 56) most able and SEND (where it is expected these students have “additional or different arrangements and consequent improvement in progress” but recognises for some, their cognitive ability means their attainment “is unlikely ever to rise above low”)

THE REVISED GRADE CRITERIA Early Years: 2 grades – provision and outcomes; and the lowest one determines Broader range for what inspectors will consider – pages 60 and 61 – “accurate assessment of children’s learning and development, so that activities and experiences meet their needs” – assessment needs to be of high quality … look at the grade criteria for outstanding. Greater focus on closing gaps for disadvantaged pupils. Increased focus, as you might expect, on progress from starting points and breadth of curriculum.