Sustainable water management Saint-Petersburg State University
The methodical aspects The first important one is the system approach The second is use of relationships of cause and effect The third is the complex analysis
The forms of training Lectures 2. Seminars Themes of seminars are: Water use in cities Sewage treatment Problems of the small rivers Restoration of water objects Transboundary water objects and their problems Laws on water
3. Videoconferences Themes of videoconferences: Well functioning systems for supplying a city with good water Sustainable Wastewater Treatment in Saint-Petersburg
4. Excursions We have excursions to water treatment plants Station of purification of water А water museum
Visit to treatment plants
Small papers Examples themes for Small papers: Biological water quality Oil pipeline risks/disasters Implementing the EU water directive Functions of small rivers How to set a consumers price on water The influence of agriculture on water quality Sludge management Eutrophication of surface water Invasive species – problems