Executions of the DKES code on the EELA-2 e-Infrastructure


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Presentation transcript:

Executions of the DKES code on the EELA-2 e-Infrastructure A J. Rubio-Montero1, L. A. Flores1, E. Montes1, F. Castejón1,2, M. Rodríguez-Pascual1, and R. Mayo1. 1CIEMAT(Spain) 2Lab. Nacional de Fusión (Spain) Second EELA-2 Conference Choroní, Venezuela. Nov 25th, 2009

Plasma behaviour simulation High cost of a experimental discharge in a reactor Complexity of simulating plasmas Plasma Physics are related to Statistical Physics, Thermodynamics, Fluid, Kinetic and Chaos Theories. 1ms of complete simulation = several days in a 50-100 TFlops machine like Mare Nostrum Mathematical methods suitable to run on distributed environments as Langevin and Fokker-Plank equations, Monte Carlo, are used to solve: Plasma-wall interaction Neutral particle orbits Transport Massive Ray Tracing Coil optimization They could take advantage from the large amount of resources being already in Grid Second EELA-2 Conference. Choroní, Venezuela. Nov 26th, 2009

Fusion Plasmas T D n He4 17.6 MeV How do D and T get plasma state and overcome Coulomb barrier that prevents the collisions and, hence, avoids the fusion? Increasing its energy Rising temperature (T) Increasing velocity (kinetic energy, K) Rising pressure Injecting particles (density, n) Plasma magnetically confined Coil configuration (magnetic champ, |B|) When they exceeds Lawson’s criterion reactor reaches ignition Second EELA-2 Conference. Choroní, Venezuela. Nov 26th, 2009

NC transport Neoclassical (NC) transport is a fundamental step of the complete simulation cycle of the behaviour of plasmas inside Fusion reactors. caused by magnetic field inhomogeneities and by collisions always present in all Fusion devices (stellarators and 3D tokamaks). usually used to study the efficiency of a certain coil configuration before it is implemented. DKES code (W.I. van Rij & S.P. Hirshman) Obtain upper and lower bounds for the NC diffusion coefficients of a prescribed toroidal plasma equilibrium. Widely accepted by the Fusion Community. Applied to stellarators such as TJ-II, HSX, CHS, LHD, ATF, W7-AS; and to projected ones: V7-X, NCSX, QPS. Developed in Fortran77 in 1989 for CRAY-1/X-MP Second EELA-2 Conference. Choroní, Venezuela. Nov 26th, 2009

Main objectives Previous work This work Next work Final work Achieved a Grid-enabled DKES version This work Calculate NC transport coefficients Next work DKEsG (DKE solver for Grid)  intra-application workflow Filling a broad database with the complete [configuration - transport matrix – state] for several Fusion reactors  Grid simulation challenge Final work Complex application level workflows as VMEC – DKEsG FAFNER-2 / MaRaTra – DKEsG ASTRA – DKEsG Offer database as virtual observatory Second EELA-2 Conference. Choroní, Venezuela. Nov 26th, 2009 5

Calculus of specific NC coefficients Diffusion coefficients Normalized coefficients returned by DKES depends of energy K: Diffusion of n and T Bootstrap current Resistivity enhancement Transport coefficients Need >106 Dij to fit correctly the integral and solve only 1 Lij Depends of n and T Second EELA-2 Conference. Choroní, Venezuela. Nov 26th, 2009

Calculus performed for TJ-II Applied to TJ-II Flexible Heliac Sited at CIEMAT Madrid (Spain) Began fully operational in 1997 1.5 m major plasma radius DKEsG variable input, energy (K) dependant: 500 Normalized collisionallities (v) 9 electrostatic potentials (Erho) DKEsG fixed inputs: Fixed: 4cm plasma radius, 100 Legendre, 343 Fourier polynomials Temperature and atomic mass set to 1. Total : 4500 pairs processed distributed in jobs of 4 to 5 tasks  900 jobs Distributed among 8 EELA-2 Grid sites  processed more than 50 jobs each. 1 job ~ 3 - 4 mins. in a core Xeon 5160(3.0Ghz)  900 jobs > 45 hours Real accumulated time: 90 h 30 m 21 s (middleware overhead included). Total time spent: 2 h 30 m 21 s Integral fitting was performed locally and spent <10 minutes. Second EELA-2 Conference. Choroní, Venezuela. Nov 26th, 2009

Some results for TJ-II Diffusion of density and temperature eF/T L33 0.01 234816,6454 0.02 234880,8356 0.05 235398,8182 0.1 235978,7605 0.2 240174,4198 0.5 236702,9449 1 236769,6134 2 236797,3714 5 236925,5039 Normalized diffusion coefficient D^33 by normalized electrical field NC transport coefficients L33 for T=1 KeV and M=1u Second EELA-2 Conference. Choroní, Venezuela. Nov 26th, 2009

Next work? DKEsG framework is preliminary implemented for GridWay (but not in DRMAA) A first data challenge has been prepared to get a broad range of NC diffusion/transport coefficients for TJ-II be started the next December Second EELA-2 Conference. Choroní, Venezuela. Nov 26th, 2009 9

Thanks for you attention ?