Title of the paper First Authora, Second Authorb, Third Authora,b a First affiliation, Address, City and Postcode, Country b Second affiliation, Address, City and Postcode, Country
PRESENTATION INSTRUCTIONS The oral presentation is 15 minutes in length; After the presentation, 5 minutes are reserved for questions. The slides can be prepared as PowerPoint (2007 version) or PDF-presentations; Use this document as a template if you use MS-Power Point; Please stick to the defined style of the presentation. Name, Surname (presenting author) Title of the paper
SLIDE TITLE The slide title should be in Calibri of size 40 point and capitalized; Do not exceed 1 line for the title; If you prefer you can number the slide titles (e.g. 1. INTRODUCTION, etc…). Name, Surname (presenting author) Title of the paper
PRESENTATION MAIN BODY Instructions Text should be typed in Calibri of 22 point size; If necessary, headings should use font size of 22 point and bold; Please write short sentences; Avoid using more than 2-3 colors for text and illustrations; Avoid using only capital letters and underlining; Avoid extensive use of fading and other animations. Name, Surname (presenting author) Title of the paper
CONCLUSION Please practice your presentation for not exceeding the timing. See you in SEB 2016! Name, Surname (presenting author) Title of the paper