Essay workshop 9/15 & 9/16 Objective: After examining the scoring rubric and sample essays, students will evaluate their own essays based on a scoring rubric provided. CBM Scoring guidelines – go over together Sample essays Essay writing tips Individual essays Homework – Read p. 46-55, vocab p. 55 Reminder summer assignments due Mon 9/20 (B Day) & Tues 9/21 (A Day) Test – Prologue & Ch. 1 – Tues 9/21 A Day & Wed 9/22 B Day
Essay writing tips 10. Practice with time constraints 9. Budget your time – both questions have equal weight 8. Highlight key elements on questions and respond directly to those items 7. Take a breath & reflect/relax 6. Write for your audience (penmanship, demonstrate knowledge) 5. Write for your audience, part 2: (content specific, coherent, paragraphs, no flowery stuff) 4.Say what you want to say and move on; don’t overwrite 3. Resist urge to engage in “information dumping” 2.Use terminology from field 1. Avoid directions against teacher, school, government, etc