Additional Learning Needs and Educational Tribunal Bill & CoP An FEI Perspective
Current status The proposed Bill is unlikely to change as it works its way through the Welsh Assembly. The Code of Practice that accompanies it is likely to see two further redrafts before being published. This is likely to occur some time between August 2017 and Autumn 2018.
An updated draft of the CoP is likely to be distributed some time in the next six months. Colleges (and others) will have the opportunity to comment further on the content and raise any concerns.
Key elements for FEIs Covers learners from 0 to 25 years but does not guarantee education up to the age of 25 Each College to have a named ALNCo and current expectation is that these will be within the senior management team Many/most ALN learners to have an IDP and annual review The whole approach to meeting ALN should be person-centred Disagreement and Tribunal Service to be available LAs to retain some responsibility to ensure IDPs are maintained in FE
Issue: Resources/additional workload With the proposal that IDPs are to replace all three stages of the SEN CoP, there could be in excess of 1000 learners in a single FEI who have ALN requiring ALP. If Reviews for each of these are to be based on person-centred practice, the human resource implications could be immense.
Issue: 2. Staffing Developing ALN staff teams that are able to carry out the responsibilities identified within the legislation and CoP.
Issue: 3. Definitions In particular, what constitutes ALP (Additional Learning Provision) as this has implications for resources. The language used for varying conditions and consistency in diagnosis.
Issue: 4. Complex learning needs Assessing when we can meet needs and when ordinary FE placements are not adequate. Agreeing how far FEIs should go in providing support for those with severe/profound/complex needs.
Issue: 5. Training Preparing staff to take on the added duties that will come with the new legislation (PCP, IDP writing, etc.) Ongoing training for teaching and support staff to encourage inclusive practice and approaches for developing independent learning skills.
Issue: 6. Maintaining adult-appropriate approaches Ensuring that person-centred reviews are relevant to adults. Respecting students’ rights to refuse support, reviews, labelling, etc. while acknowledging the important part played by parents in their support.
Issue: 7. Disagreement resolution Adapting current complaints systems to ensure they are compliant with legislation and to encourage early solutions to any disagreements.
Issue: 8. IDP design Developing a fully accessible IDP that provides adequate information to stand up to scrutiny but also uses language which is meaningful to all parties. Considering sensible content appropriate to the level of additional learning need that may require more than one format.
Who are the learners?
Who are the learners? This may be clearer once we decide: What constitutes ALP? Are FEIs structures to be inclusive and so reduce the need for ALP? How is ALP affected by the nature and level of each course? Definitions of ALN… GLD/Low basic skills/low ability
ALP??? Does it include… Exam Access Arrangements? Literacy or numeracy support? Access to technology and software? Access to a learning coach or mentor?