Salem Memorial
“We’ll appeal.”
Events leading up to the mayhem 1641: English law makes witchcraft a capital crime. 1684: England declares that the colonies may not self-govern. 1688: Following an argument with laundress ends in death! 1688: Mather publishes Memorable Providences, Relating to Witchcrafts and Possessions
Salem Village was created in 1672 Made up of a group of rural families who did not want to travel into Salem. They haggled over the minister. Samuel Paris a former merchant and Harvard drop out was called to be the minister. He did not stop the church tensions. October 16, 1691: Villagers vow to drive Parris out of Salem and stop contributing to his salary
Troubles begin Ministers daughter, Betty (age 9) and his niece Abigail (age 11) and their friend and daughter of prominent local family, Anne Putnum(age 12) began acting strangely. Suspicion fell on Tituba, the Putnum’s West Indies servant, who taught the girls sorcery games and fortune telling.
Doctor Griggs, suggests witchcraft February 1692 Doctor Griggs, suggests witchcraft Tituba, at the request of neighbor Mary Sibley, bakes a "witch cake" Pressured by ministers and townspeople, Elizabeth identifies Tituba. The girls later accuse Sarah Good and Sarah Osborne of witchcraft.
All of this happened when A book by Cotton Mather was gaining notoriety and popularity among the Puritans. It was strange that these children had the same type of afflictions discussed in Mather’s book.
The CRAZY BEGINS February 29, 1692: Arrest warrants are issued for Tituba, Sarah Good and Sarah Osborne. March 1, 1692: Magistrates John Hathorne and Jonathan Corwin examine Tituba, Sarah Good, and Sarah Osborne for "witches teats." Tituba confesses to practicing witchcraft and confirms Good and Osborne are her co- conspirators.
A special court was convened. 150 people were accused THE CRAZY SPREADS! . This set off a frenzy. A special court was convened. 150 people were accused
Eventually 28 suspected were convicted Nineteen of the witches were “hanged” , one man suffocated under a pile of stones, and two dogs were also “hanged”.
Salem Memorial Pennies for John Proctor.
Salem Memorial Giles Corey- Pressed to death by stones.
What were they asked Were they witches? Had they seen Satan? How, if they are were not witches, did they explain the contortions seemingly caused by their presence? Convicted on having moles “witches mark” testimonials of “flying” on “brooms”.
What does this teach us? Demonstrated the intolerance of the Puritan’s sanctimonious spirit. Shows us the danger of Church and State (something vigorously spelled out for us in the Constitution) REVEALS the danger of moral cowardice! Reveals the necessity of fair courts and trials. Foreshadows the impact of “Witch Hunting” frenzy. . .McCarthyism in 1950’s