Student Self-Assessment: Reading From Holt McDougal’s Diagnostic and Selection Tests
These are my thoughts and attitude about reading: I like to read, both at home and at school. I like to read for fun, but not for school. I really don’t like to read and would rather do other things. I would read more if I were a better reader. I would like to read if I had more time.
These are my thoughts and attitudes about reading at home: It’s a waste of time. It helps me escape and relax. I only read when I have to for an assignment. I read mostly for entertainment. I read mostly for information. I love to read and wish I had more time for it.
I consider myself to be A very good reader A good reader An average reader A poor reader
In order to read and understand material for school, I read best when I’m alone in a quiet place. I read best with things going on around me. I read best with another student or in a small group. I read best when the teacher tells us what to look for first. I understand more when I have a long period of time to read. I understand more when I read in short little spurts. I read the material twice.
These problems bother me when I am reading: There are too many words that I don’t know. I read too slowly. I read too fast and forget things. I get bored quickly and stop paying attention. My eyes get tired easily. Other things distract me.
How often do you read each of the following? Newspapers never sometimes often usually Magazines never sometimes often usually Novels never sometimes often usually Comic books never sometimes often usually Books of never sometimes often usually information
How much time do you spend at home reading for enjoyment? Never Up to 30 minutes a week Between 30 and 60 minutes a week More than an hour a week An hour a day or more
What topics or types of literature do you like to read? Young adult novels Adventure/survival Science fiction Mysteries Sports Stories about animals Humorous stories Historical fiction Fantasy j. Myths and legends Science Poetry Biographies History Travel/other places News articles
What is the best book you have ever read?
What is the best book you have read lately?
Look at the scale below and select a number where you think you belong. I am not good at reading I am ok at reading. I am good at reading. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10