SUMMARY Topic: EMPLOYEE DISCIPLINE ENHANCES EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT: AN AFFECTIVE SHIFT MODEL PERSPECTIVE - A LITERATURE REVIEW. Purpose: To propose that employee discipline be considered as a factor in employee engagement. Importance of the research: It has revealed that a gap exists in the current role of HR practitioners who do not take an active role in helping employees disciplined through punitive model to be re-engaged on time after being disciplined.
SO WHAT? GAP IDENTIFIED Disengaged Employee, absent from work due to financial challenges. Disciplined and placed on Final Warning plus 14 days suspension without pay. HR only explains the consequence of FW and suspension but no engagement plan in place to help him to become productivity, active in decision making. This results in a more disengaged employee AFFECTIVE SHIFT MODEL: Proposes that a core mechanism underlying the emergence of high engagement is as a result of the shift from negative to positive affect. Employee with absenteeism problems should be placed on engagement plan to help him move from Negative affect to Positive Affect. The study is very important as it is adding to the body of knowledge in terms of literature on Employee Engagement. GAP IDENTIFIED Employee, 5 days absent from work due to financial challenges. Disciplined based on punitive model, placed on Final Warning plus 14 days suspension without pay. HR only explains the consequence of FW and suspension but no engagement plan in place to help him to become productivity and active in decision making.
METHODS The article which is based on literature review aims to establish an how employee discipline enhance employee engagement. Literature reviewed in this paper was sourced from the general internet searchers, text books, Disciplinary Code and Grievance Procedure and journals from open line publications.
RESULTS Affective shift model; a disengaged employee subjected to disciplinary action should result in an engaged employee. Applying punitive model in disciplining disengaged employees, results in more disengaged employees. Applying corrective model in disciplining disengaged employees, results in engaged employees. It has revealed that a gap exists in the current role of HR practitioners who do not take an active role in helping employees disciplined through punitive model to be re-engaged on time after being disciplined.
CONCLUSION Engaged-employees work with passion and feel a profound connection to their organization. These employees drive innovation and move the organization forward. Organizations need engaged employees to realize their strategic goals.
FUTURE STEPS It is suggested that HR Department should develop an Engagement Plan targeting employees disciplined through the punitive model with the view of helping them to quickly adjust, become productive, active, take part in decision making and become committed in the realization of the organizational strategic objectives. Further, we propose the following: That a detailed comparative study targeting both private and public organizations be conducted to assess the effect of discipline in enhancing employee engagement. That an exploratory study be conducted to determine the effect of progressive discipline on employee engagement in organization.