Hosted by the University of Liverpool Management School Developing qualitative/conceptual research into top management journal articles and becoming job market ready 11th & 12th September 2017 Hosted by the University of Liverpool Management School This is a two day event organized by the University of Liverpool Management School’s (ULMS) doctoral community, in association with Narti. The overall aim is to support doctoral and early career researchers in the development of papers for top journals and to enhance employability and career progression through a writing workshop. In addition, delegates will have the opportunity to present their research in a mock job interview whereby the presenter will be expected to have identified potential for collaboration with their academic panel and peers within the streams. The conference programme highlights include: Keynote speakers and panellists: Professor Daniel Hjorth (CBS, Denmark/Nottingham Trent University) Professor Frank den Hond (Hanken, Finland/VU, Amsterdam) Professor Martin Parker (Leicester) Professor Roy Suddaby (Newcastle/University of Victoria, Canada) Professor Damian O’Doherty (Manchester) Professor Barbara Simpson (Strathclyde) Professor Mike Zundel (University of Liverpool) (More to be confirmed) Networking opportunities Peer review experience Writing workshop- intimate groups Mock job-market presentations Advice from leading academics on managing your research career To apply, please send booking forms and extended abstracts to Campus map: Call for extended abstracts opens on Friday 31st March 2017, and closes on Friday 26th May 2017.