Reporting requirements for PhD students Open Access (OA) & Research Data Management (RDM) Reporting requirements for PhD students John Roberts, RB&I (jtr2, 2907)
RCUK funded students Articles from PhD study Subject to ‘RCUK Policy on Open Access’: http:// Green (repository) deposit 6 months embargo for STEM subjects 12 months embargo for Arts, SS & H See AU Journal Advisory for top journals’ policies Gold publishing possible if Green deposit not. Funding to be applied for via APC Application form.
RCUK funded students RCUK Policy on Open Access ‘All papers must include details of the funding that supported the research and, if applicable, a statement on how the underlying research materials – such as data, samples or models – can be accessed.’ Data repositories for post-project storage
RCUK funded students RCUK Research Outcomes reporting 2016 was the first year students were asked to interact with ResearchFish and report outcomes. The most likely sections of relevance include: i. Publications ii. Collaborations iii. Engagement Activities iv. Other Outputs & Knowledge / Future Steps v. Secondments, Placements and Internships Studentship outcomes data should be provided throughout the studentship and for up to three years beyond graduation.