Purpose of this discussion Communication has been a common topic of our SAC meetings. There is a tension between fully informing the community about all LSST topics of interest, which of those topics are functionally important for the community to be informed about, and our limited person power. We’re asking for specific SAC feedback on what could/should we prioritize for community communication – both topics and communication methods. The amount and complexity of information to exchange between the Project and SAC is increasing. The opportunities for meaningful SAC impact continue to increase. We suggest a few possible tweaks to Project- SAC engagement with the SAC, for discussion. 1
Project – Community Communication Goals: Improve community engagement with pre-cursor LSST opportunities that can inform Project activities, such as: studying LSST’s Observing Strategy, using public software and simulated datasets Enable the community to prepare for LSST science, including develop event brokers Broaden community support for LSST Proposed Approaches: Implement ideas from last year, including - Provide a relevant Scientists FAQ, Invite Science Collaboration Chairs to one Project Science Team meeting per month, initiate “Science Ambassadors” program Challenges: Extremely limited person power. Suggestions for which approaches to prioritize? 2
Reminder: Science Ambassadors concept The LSST Science Ambassadors (SAs) will be a set of people who commit to keeping up-to-date with LSST activities to engage their community with LSST-related topics. SAs could keep up-to-date by reading the weekly email exploder, reading a [not yet ready] updated FAQ. SAs might engage their community by meeting one visiting speaker a month, giving public talks, developing/implementing/sharing LSST-related curricula, including a few slides in their seminars and colloquia about LSST. SAs will be self-selected scientists at LSSTC member institutions, on the SAC, in Science Collaborations, and on the Project This slide was previously shared w/ the SAC 3
Scientist FAQ Brainstorm Who belongs to the LSST data rights community? LSST’s alert stream basics How will the LSST data rights community access alerts? How will the world-wide community access alerts? How many community brokers will LSST support? What are the minimum criteria for a broker to be supported by LSST? If there are more brokers than LSST can support, how will the supported brokers be selected? How often will LSST have a catalog data release, and what will be in the catalog? How will the LSST data rights community access the catalog data releases? What does it mean that LSST data will be “public” after two years? Will commissioning data be shared with the data rights community? 4
Project – SAC communication Goals: Enhance Project’s responsiveness to the SAC Enhance SAC’s impact on the Project Suggested New Approaches for Discussion: More advanced preparation of materials by the Project for the SAC. Material could then be reviewed by SAC prior to the meeting. Fewer, more intensive meetings (twice per year, 1-1.5 days) Move from meeting minutes based feedback, that communicates details and nuance, to high level, consensus feedback (e.g. in the form of a letter) 5