NWE Day-Ahead Price Coupling Joint Presentation from TSOs and PXs from the NWE Region NWE Day-Ahead Price Coupling NWE TSO information meeting June 27, 2012 Brussels
Project Scope and Exclusions The scope of this project The day-ahead market coupling in the NWE region in terms of a single price coupling as described in the APCA. Full exclusions Intraday price coupling (handled in a separate project) Exclusions but with dependencies to NWE project All adaptations to individual systems of the parties the individual responsibility of the parties, not a project responsibility Technical and functional acceptance testing of the adaptations in the individual systems of the parties Extensions Without being responsible for it, the project should make sure the enduring solution may allow for: Price Coupling on SwePol via NPS NPSs work with the local TSOs on establishing day-ahead markets in Latvia and Lithuania The NWE solution should be extendible to other European countries/regions but the extensions itself are not in scope of this project.
Contractual framework (1) The NWE APCA: establishes the rights and obligations agreed upon between the Parties regarding their cooperation in respect of NWE Price Coupling during the Design Phase and the Implementation Phase, in particular as regards design, development, project governance and organisation, task division, deliverables, planning, Budget, funding, cost sharing and cost recovery; aims to set forth the key principles of the cooperation between the Parties in respect of the operation of NWE Price Coupling during the Operational Phase, e.g. as regards roles and responsibilities in respect of operations, governance and decision making and the remuneration and payment of fees for the NWE Price Coupling services provided by the PXs.
Contractual framework (2) general principles of cooperation The solution and mechanisms put in place should be easily extendable and transparent, with the overall aim to facilitate a wider price coupling in the context of the integration of the European electricity markets; The NWE Price Coupling shall be designed and developed taking into account the technical and ICT solutions adopted by the PXs in the context of the PCR Solution; The following principles apply: best effort undertakings (unless explicitly otherwise specified in writing), active cooperation, good faith, transparent and loyal cooperation, etc.
Contractual framework (3) The governance structure is the following : (a) The NWE high level meeting (the “NWE HLM”) comprising the Parties’ chief executive officers or any other representative of a Party at executive level with all necessary power and authority to take decisions binding upon their respective entity concerning any aspect of the cooperation, which shall, only as a last resort, deal with questions where the NWE JSC cannot come to a decision; (b) The NWE JSC comprising representatives (and substitutes) of the Parties with all necessary power and authority to take decisions binding upon their respective entity as far as the performance and implementation of this NWE APCA is concerned. The NWE JSC will, inter alia, decide on key issues of the NWE Price Coupling Design Phase and Implementation Phase Decisions of the NWE HLM and NWE JSC are taken by unanimous consent of the respective members, and they are binding upon the Parties.
Contractual framework (4) Algorithm AND Intellectual property rights The Algorithm will comprise the PCR Algorithm developed jointly by the PCR Parties based on the internal PCR project selection of COSMOS in CWE as of June 2011 as starting point to be used for developing of that PCR Algorithm. The Algorithm shall comply with the requirements set forth in Annex 5 which may be amended by the NWE JSC. The TSOs shall validate the Algorithm against these criteria within the timeframes agreed upon by the Parties. All subset of Parties (TSOs on the one hand, PXs on the other hand) shall remain the owners of their respective IPRs on their components, unless stated otherwise in writing.
Governance The NWE high level meeting (the “NWE HLM”) The NWE JSC the Parties’ chief executive officers or any other representative of a Party at executive level. Should have all necessary power and authority to take binding decisions Only as a last resort, primary responsibility is with JSC The NWE JSC Representatives (and substitutes) of the Parties with all necessary power and authority to take decisions binding upon their respective entity as far as the performance and implementation of this NWE APCA is concerned. Decisions based on consensus Key aspects covered by the JSC; Key issues of the NWE Price Coupling Design Phase and Implementation Phase the validation of the different steps in the Design Phase and the Implementation Phase, the preparation of the content of the discussions related to the NWE Price Coupling Design Phase and Implementation Phase with ACER, associations (such as ENTSO-E or EUROPEX), institutions and public bodies (European Commission, national governmental bodies, NRAs Approval of, or amendment to, the budget for the Design Phase and the Implementation Phase of the NWE Price Coupling; Entry of new Parties.
1) NWE High Level Architecture 1) ATC and/or FB parameter calculation 2) Network constraints 3) Submission Calculate Results: 1) Prices 2) Net positions 3) Flows* *if required Validate Results Calculate remaining Flows* Shipping 1) Cross PX Clearing and settlement 2) Cross Zonal Nominations Congestion Revenue Distribution Receive orders Order book aggregation submission Pre-coupling Coupling Post Coupling 8
2) NWE HLA: mapping overview and generic systems TSO Back-end systems TSO Pre-coupling systems PMB TSO post coupling systems PX post coupling systems (Cross) PXs clearing and settlement systems CCP/CH systems Congestion Revenue Distribution systems PX IT systems Pre-coupling Coupling Post Coupling 9
Project Organisation
Brief: Technical Working Group Organization Resources The Working Group (WG) leader and the Task Force (TF) leaders form together the Technical Working Group This Working Group will be setup with a ‘reading group’ with the Joint Steering Committee members, the WG leader Legal and one representative of each party. This reading group will be in copy of all communication of this WG and makes sure that the necessary feedback can be provided. The WG will present its results and the results of the Task forces at each Joint Steering Committee meeting. WG Leader: Corné Meeuwis TF Leaders: 5 Procedures Testing Capacity Algorithm Shipping Reading members: All parties Responsibilities Work (estimate) High level architecture solution NWE Inventory interfaces / data flows between TSOs & PXs Fall back solution Go Live plan and support Duration: entire project until go live Common Costs: Deliverables Deadlines Reporting of planning / progress / status to the Joint Steering Committee High level architecture solution NWE Design of overall joint business processes, consistently with TSOs business processes and PXs business processes Inventory interfaces / data flows between TSOs & PXs Fall back solution Go Live plan and support …. 11
Brief: Procedures Task Force Organization Resources One representative of each NWE party. A party may also be representing another party. Representatives should have the necessary mandate to negotiate and agree. This task force will be setup with a ‘reading group’ with one representative of each party. This reading group will be in copy of all communication of this task force and makes sure that the representative in the task force has the necessary internal feedback and backup to participate in the task force. TF Leader: TBD TF Staffing: +4 specialists Reading members: All parties Responsibilities Work (estimate) Design joint operational procedures ready for testing, based on all current procedures (CWE, Nordic, ITVC) and PCR procedures. Design the procedures for coupling the UK Duration: 4-6 weeks Common Costs: 40-70 md Deliverables Deadlines Operational procedures for all parties and processes related to the NWE Price Coupling Reporting of planning / progress / status to Technical Workgroup September 2012 12
Brief: Testing Task Force Organization Resources This Task Force might be the successor of the Procedures Task Force One representative of each NWE party. A party may also be representing another party. Representatives should have the necessary mandate to negotiate and agree. This task force will be setup with a ‘reading group’ with one representative of each party. This reading group will be in copy of all communication of this task force and makes sure that the representative in the task force has the necessary internal feedback and backup to participate in the task force. TF Leader: Arthur Wetzel TF Staffing: +2 specialists (may be different persons for technical and procedural) Reading members: All parties Responsibilities Work (estimate) Design and execute technical and procedural end-to-end tests Duration: design 1 month; execution 2 months (techn.) +2 months (proc.) Common Costs: design 28 md execution 42 md (test coordinator only) Deliverables Deadlines Test scripts Test planning Individual parties End to end testing Test results and validation of tests Reporting of planning / progress / status to Technical Workgroup December 2012 13
Brief: Capacity Task Force Organization Resources One representative of each NWE party. A party may also be representing another party. Representatives should have the necessary mandate to negotiate and agree. This task force will be setup with a ‘reading group’ with one representative of each party. This reading group will be in copy of all communication of this task force and makes sure that the representative in the task force has the necessary internal feedback and backup to participate in the task force. TF Leader: combined with Shipping TF TF Staffing: +1 specialist working together with local resources Reading members: All parties Responsibilities Work (estimate) Design and implement capacity calculation and submission, as well as result validation if applicable Specify rules and implement necessary changes for bilateral exchange and flow calculation (All areas impacted) Assumed for UK only – Nordic, CWE, ITVC only in case of change against current arrangements Duration: 4-12 weeks Common Costs: 20-60 md (depending on chosen solution) Deliverables Deadlines Design and implementation of capacity submission processes, as well as result validation if applicable Specification of rules and implementation of necessary changes for bilateral exchange and flow calculation (All areas impacted) Reporting of planning / progress / status to Technical Workgroup …. 14
Brief: Algorithm Task Force Organization Resources One representative of each NWE party. A party may also be representing another party. Representatives should have the necessary mandate to negotiate and agree. This task force will be setup with a ‘reading group’ with one representative of each party. This reading group will be in copy of all communication of this task force and makes sure that the representative in the task force has the necessary internal feedback and backup to participate in the task force. TF Leader: Tore Granli TF Staffing: +2-3 specialists Reading members: All parties Responsibilities Work (estimate) Validation of the implementation of TSO requirements in respect to the algorithm. Validation of the implementation of “optional” PX requirements in respect to the algorithm. Duration: 6-8 weeks Common Costs: 10-15 md Deliverables Deadlines Consistency check NWE requirements vs PCR Implementation of the Algorithm Reporting of planning / progress / status to Technical Workgroup December 2012 15
Brief: Shipping Task Force Organization Resources One representative of each NWE party. A party may also be representing another party. Representatives should have the necessary mandate to negotiate and agree. This task force will be setup with a ‘reading group’ with one representative of each party. This reading group will be in copy of all communication of this task force and makes sure that the representative in the task force has the necessary internal feedback and backup to participate in the task force. The Task Force will in principle re-use the current arrangements as much as possible and only focus on possible TF Leader: GB: Xavier Pinchaux ITVC: René Müller TF Staffing: +4 specialists Overall Reading members: All parties Responsibilities Work (estimate) Design and/or describe (depending on whether a working solution is already in place) the Shipping arrangements for Nordic, CWE, ITVC and UK shipping, Coordinate where necessary the implementation of new arrangements Note that we only expect the Baltic, Inter CWE/Nordic and UK solutions to be designed, and the current Nordic and CWE solutions to stay in place. Design and implement data flows, incl. XB nominations Shipping Duration: 2-3 months Common Costs: 75 md Data flows Duration: depends on the specific solution Common Costs: depends on the specific solution Deliverables Deadlines Contractual frame work for Shipping Design and implementation of the capacity submission processes, as well as result validation if applicable. Specification of rules and implementation of necessary changes for bilateral exchange and flow calculation. Design of solution with data flows for Nordic-CWE and GB-CWE shipping. the Current Nordic and CWE solutions are expected to stay in place Congestion income sharing processes Reporting of planning / progress / status to Technical Workgroup Design: September 2012 Implementation: December 2012 16
Brief: Legal, Regulatory and Markets Working Group Organization Resources One representative of each NWE party. A party may also be representing another party. Representatives should have the necessary mandate to negotiate and agree. Participation in this task force will not be a common cost (participation of all parties is anticipated). WG Leader: Tjitske Kramer TF Leaders: 4 Ext. Comm. & Markets Legal & Contracts Regulatory Shipping Financial Participants of the other parties (if not represented already as task force leader) Responsibilities Work (estimate) Review of deliverables from the Communication and Market TF, Shipping Financial TF Responsible to handle questions / issues coming from the underlying Task Forces. Organization and participation in the work group meetings and calls. Reporting to the NWE JSC according to the project standards. Duration: 9 months PX Common Costs Deliverables Deadlines Reporting of planning / progress / status of the underlying TFs to JSC 17
Brief: External Communication & Markets Task Force Organization Resources Limited number of representatives, max. 3 to 4 persons next to the Task Force Leader. All deliverables of this task force will be reviewed in the LRM where all parties will be present / represented. Drafting of deliverables will be divided amongst the representatives. Participation in this task force can be classified as a common cost (work performed by limited group of people to the benefit of all). TF Leader: TBD TF Staffing: +3-4 specialists Reading members: none Responsibilities Work (estimate) Build communication plan Organize a member consultation if requested by the project Set up and keep up to date a FAQ. Manage press contacts and events in close coordination with the JSC Educate market parties on working and economic value of NWE price coupling through workshop(s) and ‘member updates’. Organize the communication to members for member testing of the NWE implementation. Organization and participation in the task force meetings and calls. Reporting to the LRM Workgroup according to the project standards. Duration: 9 months Common Costs : 60 md Deliverables Deadlines Communication Plan Members workshop(s) Member Updates – information document to update members on the NWE implementation and possible impact on members. Press release and text proposals for other external communication Reporting of planning / progress / status to LRM Workgroup TBD 18
Brief: Legal and Contracts Task Force Organization Resources One representative of each NWE party. A party may also be representing another party. Representatives should have the necessary mandate to negotiate and agree. This task force will be setup with a ‘reading group’ with one representative of each party. This reading group will be in copy of all communication of this task force and makes sure that the representative in the task force has the necessary internal feedback and backup to participate in the task force. Participation in this task force will not be a common cost (participation of all parties is anticipated). Drafting of (parts) of contracts will be divided over the task force members. Contracts are only negotiated in the task force ( i.e. will not be re-discussed on LRM workgroup level) and will be approved by the JSC. TF Leader: Tjitske Kramer TF Staffing: All parties Reading members: TBD Responsibilities Work (estimate) Organization, coordination, drafting and negotiations of the all parties contracts and the attachments in accordance with the planning and the budget of the NWE project. This includes all governance arrangements between the parties or subset of parties for the operational phase of NWE market coupling. Follow up (and if necessary participation) of the contracts of subsets of parties. Organization and participation (or being represented) in the task force meetings and calls. Reporting to the LRM Workgroup according to the project standards. Duration: 8 months Common Cost: 50 md (leader only) for the contracts part. Legal work resulting from the shipping design, depends on the specific solution. Deliverables Deadlines NWE framework agreement for the Operations of NWE including attachments Other contracts where applicable (eg. Shipping, NDA, etc.) including their attachments Planning for contracts delivery Progress / status report to LRM Workgroup TBD 19
Brief: Regulatory Task Force Organization Resources One representative of each NWE party. A party may also be represented by another party. Task force representatives must have the necessary mandate to negotiate and agree. Participation in this task force will not be a common cost (participation of all parties is anticipated), except for the task force leader. This task force will be setup with a ‘reading group’ with one representative of each party. This reading group will be in copy of all communication of this task force and makes sure that the representative in the task force has the necessary internal feedback and backup to participate in the task force. Drafting of material which needs to be produced by this task force will be divided over the task force members. Material to be prepared and agreed for regulatory purposes will only be negotiated in the task force ( i.e. will not be re- discussed on LRM workgroup level) and will be approved by the JSC. TF Leader: TBD TF Staffing: All parties Reading members: TBD Responsibilities Work (estimate) Organization and coordination of the documents that need to be delivered to the regulators. The task force will get most of the material delivered from other task forces or workgroups but is responsible to put the information in the right format and right formulation for regulatory purposes. Organization of workshops/ discussions with the regulators to facilitate their decision making process, if necessary. Organization and participation (or being represented) in the task force meetings and calls. Reporting to the LRM Workgroup according to the project standards. On request participation (task force leader) in the JSC. Follow up on regulatory approvals necessary per country. Duration: 9 months Common Cost 75 md (leader only) Deliverables Deadlines Regulatory progress reports Project status reporting in regulatory meetings Documents on specific topics on request of the regulators Reporting of planning / progress / status to LRM Workgroup Final regulatory approvals for implementing NWE before the launch TBD 20
Brief: Shipping Financial Task Force Organization Resources One representative of each NWE party. A party may also be represented by another party. Representatives should have the necessary mandate to negotiate and agree. Parties can be exempted of participation if current implementation will not change. PXs/CCPs need to be present for cross PX clearing arrangements. Participation in this task force will can be classified as a common cost. TF Leader: TBD TF Staffing: TBD Responsibilities Work (estimate) Financial work that springs from the shipping design for each party Design and implementation of financial flows per party, incl. settlement, congestion rent distribution, collateral arrangement Work out the Cross PX Clearing arrangements (VAT, customs, etc.) where applicable Duration: depends on the specific solution. Common Cost: depends on the specific solution. Deliverables Deadlines Description of the clearing and settlement process per PX / CCP. Description of the cross PX clearing elements and arrangements which need to be included in the contracts. Reporting of planning / progress / status to LRM Workgroup TBD 21
Global Planning
Communication NWE Parties will create a public document to be published on their websites. Subtract from APCA and PID Ready within the next few weeks 3 regulatory reports planned (first report in July) Stakeholders meetings planned: 1. late September / early October Information regarding status / progress / impact 2. mid December
Possible subjects for the Stakeholder meeting – end of September 2012 High level functional architecture and business processes of the NWE Price Coupling solution - Overview - What remains the same, what will change - Where do we foresee changes for the market participants The PCR Algorithm as part of the NWE solution Requirements and functionalities Changes in comparison with the current situation NWE implementation plan - Current status - Test planning until go-live Further information to the stakeholders - Next Stakeholder meeting (probably December 2012) - Member testing - Further stakeholder information 24