Nonrenewable Sources of Energy Vs Renewable Sources of Energy Nonrenewable sources of energy get depleted with use. They can be used only once. They are mostly fossil fuels. The main non-renewable energy sources are coal, oil, nuclear energy and natural gas. They take a long time to get produced. Renewable energy sources will never get depelted. They can be used again and again. They are available freely in nature. Some renewable sources include the Sun, wind, water, geothermal and biomass.
Examples of Non-Renewable Sources of Energy Coal Compressed Natural Gas CNG Fuel for Vehicles Fuel Oil Nuclear Energy (symbol)
Renewable Sources of Energy and their Uses
Solar Energy Energy from the Sun – Solar energy is the light and heat from the Sun which is converted into electric energy by Solar Panels. Solar energy serves as a heat source to boil water. The steam from this boiling water turns turbines to generate electricity. Sunlight can be used to produce electricity directly in solar cells called Photovoltaics (PV). But Solar power will be available only during the day time and good storage systems are required. Solar Panel Electric car batteries can be charged using Solar power.
Heat produced from Solar energy is used to heat water for domestic use. In remote places Solar Panels are used to generate electricity for lighting. In many cities, Solar Panels are used to provide electricity for street lights.
Wind Energy Energy from Wind – A windmill converts the energy of the wind into rotational energy with its vanes or blades. Windmills are used as wind turbines for generating electricity. The electricity produced is used to pump water, for irrigation in agriculture or for extracting groundwater for other uses. It is also used to charge the batteries in Electric Cars.
Geothermal Energy Hydro Energy Geothermal energy is obtained as heat from the steam coming out of the Earth’s surface. It's clean and sustainable. This steam can turn turbines to generate electricity. This energy source also helps heat and cool buildings. The energy from flowing water can be made to produce electricity. This is called hydroelectric power or hydropower. Dams built on rivers store water in a reservoir. When released the water can be made to turn turbines to produce electricity. This is supplied to houses and industries.
Biomass Energy or Bioenergy Wood is the largest biomass energy source. Wood is burnt to cook food and keep warm. Other sources are plants, residues from agriculture or forestry, organic component of municipal and industrial wastes and even fumes from landfills. Biomass can be converted directly into liquid fuels, called Biofuels. Biofuels can be used in cars, trucks, buses, airplanes, and trains. Ethanol and Biodiesel are examples of Biofuels. Corn can be used to make Ethanol. Biomass can be used to produce Electricity called Biopower or Biomass power also.
Energy Conservation in Daily Life Governments and industries benefit a lot from using renewable sources of energy as it reduces electric power consumption. They install windmills and solar farms which are expensive. But what can we do? In our daily life we can do our bit to avoid using nonrenewable sources of energy. Reduce burning coal. Try to use public transport where and when possible. This will reduce use of petrol. Use solar powered water heaters. If you live in a farm, consider using small-scale wind mills. To reduce electricity consumption Where possible replace ordinary light bulbs with CFL bulbs. Seal all openings in the house to prevent loss of heat or cold due to air movement. Keeping the fridge door tightly shut. Switch off lights, and other appliances and gadgets when not in use.