WORKSHOP 2 Driveline Components
This Workshop This Workshop Beginning with a simple FWD driveline model: Build a Differential Differential Assembly Build a Flexible Shaft Optional: Build bearing attachments Modify gear elements to the differential Assemble templates into a benchtest and test functionality after building each component
General Workshop tips Menu Navigation Shorthand “From the main menu bar, click File, navigate to Gear Pair, click New..” Abbreviated as: File >> Gear Pair >> New… Right-Click Context Menu “Right-click over the hardpoint icon for hps_origin, navigate to hps_origin >> Modify…” Abbreviated as: Modify hps_origin Context menu usage “After selecting the Pick option from the entry field’s context menu, right click over the ges_input_shaft, then select it from the Select List” Abbreviated: Pick ges_input_shaft Or (as part of dialog box fill instructions): I Part: ges_input_shaft Tree Menu Usage From the tree menu, point to desired element, Right click the entity you want to modify, Select Modify.
Getting Started Getting started Start Adams/Driveline in Template Mode File >> Open >> Templates…. Open _driveshaft_diff_start.tpl from adriveline_training.cdb This template consists of: Mount parts/communicators for “engine” and “suspension mount” (wheels) “Dummy” differential, model has no differential action Rigid driveshafts Revolute joint connecting the diff to the engine
Save and Test Save and test Use File > Save As to save template as _driveshaft_diff.tpl in the adriveline_training database. Switch to Standard Interface (F9) Open FWD_RollerRig.asy File > Open > Assembly Assembly: Right-Click in field> Search > adriveline_training > FWD_rollerRig.asy Select Yes when prompted to use the template in memory You may be see some warning messages like “WARNING: Part diff_case_front was not found in template…” but these can be ignored.
Save and Test Save and test Decrease Error and HMAX (1.0e-3) Use GSTIFF, I3, Modified corrector (faster simulation)
Save and Test Save and test Run a RPM Sweep Select Review > Animation Controls then play the animation. This should show each component of the driveline rotating, and the tire transferring the motion to the roller rig.
Retest with Split Mu Retest with split mu Modify a tire to have decrease traction Right-Click the right tire/wheel graphic Select Wheel: rtire.whr_tire > Modify Set Symmetric to No Pick low_fricton.rti from adriveline_training for the Property File Apply Re-Run RPM Sweep Select Review > Animation Controls
View the Results View the results Press F8 to switch to Post-Processor Plot the Curves as Shown Use the Control key to select multiple items Check the Surf Box Note that regardless of the Split or Even Tire Mu, both tires achieved approximately the same RPM
Create Diff Create differential Now we will create a open (spool) differential assembly that allows relative motion between the rear wheels Replace the dummy diff part with a kinematic (open) differential assembly Switch back to template builder (F9) Create a differential assembly to replace the ges_dummy_diff Driveline Components > Complex Components > Entire Differential Unit Differential Center Ref: Right-Click > Pick Right-Click over the center of the dummy diff (pink cylinder) Pick the reference frame cfs_diff_pos from the pick list Tip: The V key toggles icon visibility.
Create differential Create a differential assembly to replace the ges_dummy_diff (cnt’d) Mass: 20 Ixx/Iyy/Izz:6e4 Leave other fields default Apply
Re-connect attachments Modify josrev_diff_to_engine Pick ges_diff_case_front for the I part replacing ges_dummy_diff Alternately you can modify joint from tree menu. Point to Attachment>Joints and then right cleck the joint you want to modify,select Modify. Apply
Re-connect attachments Modify jortra_tripot_diff Pick ger_side_gear_front for the I part replacing ges_dummy_diff Apply Delete ges_dummy_diff
Save and Test Save and test Save template Switch to Standard Interface (F9) Close and re-open FWD_RollerRig.asy File > Close > Assembly Do not save assembly File > Open > Assembly Open FWD_rollerRig.asy from adriveline_training Select Yes when prompted to use the template in memory Run RPM Sweep again
Retest with Split Mu Retest with split mu Modify a tire to have decreased traction: Right-Click the right tire/wheel graphic Select Wheel: rtire.whr_tire > Modify Set Symmetric to No Pick low_fricton.rti from adriveline_training for the Property File Apply Run RPM Sweep again
View the Results View the results Press F8 to switch to PostProcessor Plot the Curves as Shown Use the Control key to select multiple items Check the Surf Box Note that the tires have significantly different rotational velocities in the cases of even and split mu
Make the driveshafts into a flexible link Make the driveshaft into a flexible link Make the driveshafts into a flexible link Replace the driveshaft with a flexible representation Switch back to Template Builder (F9) Go to Driveline components > Flexible Shaft > New Name: flex_shaft I Coordinate Reference: Pick > cfl_shaft_inner J Coordinate Reference: Pick > cfl_shaft_outer I and J CRFs are located at either end of the driveshaft at the centers of the CV joints Continued on next slide
Make the driveshafts into a flexible link Cnt’d Outer Diameter: 30 Thickness: 5 N Beams: 4 Select Apply
Reconnect the flexible shaft Re-connect the CV joints to the new flexible shaft and delete the rigid body driveshaft part Right-click > Modify the jolcon_shaft_inner. Choose nrl_1_flex_shaft instead of gel_ driveshaft for the I Part
Reconnect the flexible shaft Re-connect the CV joints to the new flexible shaft and delete the rigid body driveshaft part Right-click > Modify the jolcon_drive_shaft_outer. Choose nrl_5_flex_shaft instead of gel_driveshaft.
Delete rigid driveshafts Reconnect the flexible shaft Delete rigid driveshafts Delete gel_driveshaft
Create a request Build a new request to measure the deflection in the flexible shafts. Build > Request > New Request Name: shaft_deflection Define using Function Expression F2:AZ(, F3:AZ(, Result Set Name: shaft_deflection X: shaft_deflection_right Unit: angle Y: shaft_deflection_left Unit: angle
Save and test Save template Switch to Standard Interface (F9) Close and re-open FWD_RollerRig.asy File > Close > Assembly Do not save assembly File > Open > Assembly Open FWD_rollerRig.asy from adriveline_training Select Yes when prompted to use the template in memory Simulate RPM Sweep
View the Results View the results Press F8 to switch to PostProcessor Plot the shaft_deflection request created earlier Use the Control key to select multiple items Check the Surf Box Note: that shafts flex several degrees during RPM rampup!
Optional Tasks Optional tasks Replace grsred_pinion_drive_to_ring with one of the following gear type connections between ges_diff_output and ges_ring_gear_front Spur Gear Element (Under Gear Tool menu) Hypoid Gear Force Spline Gear Force (Under Gear Tool menu) Replace on or both of the following revolute connections with a with a Bearing force josrev_diff_to_engine josrev_diff_input_to_body Notes: Press F1 for context help from any dialog box When needed, example property files can be found in adriveline_shared Try to guess reasonable input values, but more importantly, remember to do functionality checks as often as possible!