‘By the sword we seek peace, but peace only under liberty’ Colony of Maine ‘By the sword we seek peace, but peace only under liberty’
Maines Establishment, Founder of Territory Maine was established in 1607’s. The colony of maine was established for a trading post at Penobscot Bay in the 1620’s. The founder of this land or territory was Pierre du Guast Samuel Champlain.
Importing, Exporting and Puritans This colony was importing and exporting fish,whale produce, fur, timber, metals, raw wood, and ships. The puritans make up the race, social status, and religion. The puritans have the religious freedom as they do not tolerate any other forms of religion.
Government and Region Association Maine associated with New England in the hopes to evolve. Maine was a province until the 1625’s when it turned into a government.
Geography and Climate lies on the northeastern corner of the country. Rocky Terrain Still farmed as much as they could Beans, squash, pumpkins, wheat, and rye
Religions Practiced in Maine Founded by Puritans Tried to reform a church but thought God would punish them Believed the ANglican Church needed to be purified by catholic John Winthrop led the Puritans to the colony Became one of the most powerful religious leaders in the colony.
Fun Things colonists did Many children made their games/toys out of scraps little girls made their dolls out of corn husks, rags, scraps, and sometimes carved, dried apples as heads little boys used sticks as imaginary horses Children enjoyed spinning tops made of leftover wood and string. Children were often left without supervision and were left to play in the field or house.
Food average family ate pudding (milk and cornmeal mixed) stew vegetable boiled meats corn meal
Education Upper Class Middle Class Lower Class Got private home tutors and then were sent to a college or university. Many of the upper class sent their boys to English educational institutions for a college education. Middle Class Sons of merchants, ministers, doctors, and lawyers attended dame schools, elementary schools, and grammar schools. Occasionally would they attend college. Lower Class Limited colonial education...apprenticeships were offered to only some.
Fun Facts Presidents that were born here- John Adams, John F. Kennedy, and George Bush Cold climate in the colony made it difficult for colonists in Maine to get diseases unlike people in warmer climates. The flag of the state of Maine features the state coat of arms on a blue field. In the center of the shield, a moose rests under a tall pine tree. A farmer and seaman represent the traditional reliance on agriculture and the sea by the state.