MOOCs & copyright issues MOOC CAMP EPFL [ Raphaël Grolimund ] EPFL – November 23, 2016
COMMERCIAL RIGHTS? Do we need a commercial license for material if the platform distributes certificates for a fee based on the course?
EXCEPTIONS FOR EDUCATION Is there an “educational” exception, where teachers can distribute copyrighted material for teaching purposes for free ?
WHO TO CONTACT Should we write to the author or the publisher?
NO PERMISSION GRANTED What can we do if the copyright holder refuses us the right to use the material in a video?
READINGS Can we include scientific articles or book chapters in the course material for free?
VIDEO Can we include a short excerpt of a video in our video?
INTERVIEW Is there any limitation if we want to include an interview in our video?
LICENSES Are Creative Commons licenses solving all problems?
REFERENCES Do we need to put the reference next to the picture/video when it is displayed?
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