Warm-up: List three resources that you think explorers went out in search of during the Age of Exploration. For each, explain how it would benefit the country searching for it. Define slavery.
Colombian Exchange and the Middle Passage
Economy during Age of Exploration Mercantilism economic way of thinking during the Age of Exploration belief that the more resources you have, the more prosperous your nation is Especially boullion (gold/silver) idea is that you have a favorable balance of trade when you export more than you import
Need for Resources Exploring nations believed that they controlled every aspect of the places they colonized If you own it…it counts as your property, not as an import More land = more resources = more boullion
Early Colonization Used the labor that already existed in an area to exploit the land Grow as many crops as you can to make more money Working conditions were harsh and many Native Americans died in the process
Exchange of Goods Need for more goods led to new trade routes and more workers Colombian Exchange: exchange of goods (including people, food, and animals) between the Old World and the New World also known as Triangle Trade
Activity # 1 On the blank side of your sheet: Draw a map of Triangle Trade Label 10 items that went from Old World to New World (includes Africa) Label 8 items that went from Americas to Europe Label 3 items that went from Europe to Africa
The “Columbian Exchange” Squash Avocado Peppers Sweet Potatoes Turkey Pumpkin Tobacco Quinine Cocoa Pineapple Cassava POTATO Peanut TOMATO Vanilla MAIZE Syphilis Trinkets Liquor GUNS Olive COFFEE BEAN Banana Rice Onion Turnip Honeybee Barley Grape Peach SUGAR CANE Oats Citrus Fruits Pear Wheat HORSE Cattle Sheep Pigs Smallpox Flu Typhus Measles Malaria Diptheria Whooping Cough
Slave Trade One of the biggest impacts of the Triangle Trade route was the Middle Passage From Africa to ‘New World’ Slaves used to replace indigenous Americans
Activity # 2 Watch the video about the Slave Trade. Answer the questions.
Activity # 3 Look through the quotes on the Atlantic Slave Trade. Answer these questions on the bottom of the video questions. Which quote stands out most to you? Why?