Secondary Goal Setting ESPN Themed
Welcome! Get a ticket Find your table Pick a seat Tear off the ticket stub and write your name on it to enter our prize drawing! Ashley greets at door and handles tickets; Mer & Tracie mingle/greet at tables; Brittany does ice breaker
Welcome! Let’s get to know each other! You have note cards on your table Write down: Name Campus Field One interesting fact about yourself (The wackier the better!) Welcome! Let’s get to know each other!
Be prepared to share your table’s WINNING homerun! Share at your table, then identify the “homerun” fact (AKA the fact that’s hardest to guess) Be prepared to share your table’s WINNING homerun! Other tables will try to guess who is the “home-run hitter” Brittany 10 MINUTES
Learning Targets Teachers will understand the nuts and bolts of goal setting. Teachers will get tools for managing time in a goal-oriented classroom. Teachers will understand how to process and reflect on goals Teachers will understand the importance of accountability in a classroom in order to utilize goal setting effectively. Meredith
Norms Stay on schedule Participate and listen actively Take care of yourself and your neighbor Prepare your technology for learning and engagement It’s OK to have fun! 5 MINUTES Meredith
Rules & Regulations of Goal Setting Nuts & Bolts Rules & Regulations of Goal Setting Goals are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound. Explain examples of good goals. 10 MINUTES Meredith
Spring Training (Building Your Knowledge) Read the article titled “Making Kids Work on Goals (And Not Just In Soccer).” Fill out the Give and Get chart in your packet. Things you could write: Main point Interesting quote Question Bright idea This relates to… Concern 10 MINUTES
NOW GO GET’M! 10 MINUTES First get- Find someone that has the same birthday month as you and share one, get one & discuss it Second get- Find someone new that has the same color eyes as you and share one, get one & discuss Third get- Find someone that has the same favorite food as you and share one, get one & discuss Fourth get- Find someone that shares your favorite sports team and share one, get one & discuss
Errors Ashley
Errors Perfectionism Failing to stop and reassess Failing to identify obstacles ahead of time Ashley
Developing your own SMART goal Use the goal-planning sheet to create your own SMART Goal Use a sticky note on your table and write your SMART Goal down As you’re moving to break, place your goal in the appropriate area on the affinity chart During break, check out the goals of your peers! Practice Plan Developing your own SMART goal Meredith Put a chart paper on the wall divided into 4 quadrants - Each participate puts their own sticky in the appropriate quadrant (Personal, Instructional, Professional, Other)
Scouting (Building Your Own Toolbox) Little League (Small Scale) Reflective activity after assignment Informal conversations Goals per assignment/unit Major League (Large Scale) Portfolios Overarching goals per grading period/year Goal inventory sheets All 3
Huddle! (Team Brainstorm)
With a note card, gather two new ideas that you could implement in your classroom right away! Half Time Adjustments What can you use? Send people back to their tables to share their products with their tablemates, then do a whole-group share out. The person at your table who has broken the most bones will share out.
Practice Implementation in Four Corners Go to your content area Find a group of 2-3 Come up with your own goal setting process Share your document on lSetting Meet with a group of 2-3 from your content area (four corners) and develop a Little League or Major League goal setting process for your content: Fine Arts/Electives ELA/Social Studies Science/Math ESL/Coaches/Intervention Specialists/Other
Accountability (There is no “I” in TEAM) All 3
Establishing a Cadence of Accountability Accountability is a two-way encounter with a trusted person. Accountability happens on a consistent basis: regular “check-in” times. Accountability is a positive opportunity to review progress and self-reflect. Accountability is an opportunity to recalculate goals or refine action steps. Accountability allows for powerful feedback to directly influence the individual. Accountability removes barriers that impedes goal progress. -- From The Leader in Me (Covey) & In Visible Learning (Hattie) Ashley
Coaching (Role Play) Ashley Choose a partner at your table. One person will be the student, and one will be the teacher. The student will pick a scenario where he or she wants to achieve a goal, and will talk to the teacher about it in a one-on-one conference. The teacher will walk the student through this conversation and setting up a goal. And then switch (depending on time). Idea: trade cell phones and record each other for automatic feedback
Sports Movie Trivia Reveal!
What do you want to erase from your previous attitudes toward goal setting as a result of learning? What caused you to stretch your thinking? What learning is still puzzling your OR is the perfect fit? What learning do you want to hold onto and not forget? GAME OVER!
Go out and be a champion! Brittany Harper Ashley Kahler Meredith Lee Tracie Williams