BASIC DESIGN Nothing basic about it.
THE IDEA OF DESIGN The appearance of a newspaper, much like the content, is constantly evolving But it comes back to four basic pieces that make up the “package” The PACKAGE refers to a page that contains modular design
THE IDEA OF DESIGN MODULAR DESIGN Taking the large and breaking it into pieces that tell the story over-all Giving each story its own space and defining that space through design
SO IT WORKS LIKE THIS: THE PAGE Wide open space THE PACKAGE Photos Cutlines Headlines Text MODULAR DESIGN: Gives each story its own space for the package
DEFINITIONS AND KEY TERMS: FLAG (NAMEPLATE) - the name of a newspaper as it is displayed on the front page HEADLINE - large type running above or along the side of a story to summarize the content CUTLINE - line or block of text that explains a photo (a.k.a. caption) BYLINE - line of text under a headline that tells who wrote the story JUMPLINE - line of text that tells the reader the story is continued from another page
DEFINITIONS AND KEY TERMS: PULLQUOTE - graphic treatment of a quotation pulled out from a story; also called a lift out INDEX - alphabetized list of contents and their page numbers FOLIO - type at the top of an inside page giving the newspaper's name, date and page number MASTHEAD - information about the publication and staff normally printed on the editorial page MUGSHOT - picture of a person’s face GUTTER - blank space between facing pages of a newspaper
TYPOGRAPHY Newspapers are laid out on a grid created by columns It’s very important that readers be able to read what is printed in your newspaper – distorted or novelty fonts are not the best FONT: all characters in one size and weight of a typeface TYPEFACE: A family of fonts POINTS: A measurement of font size This slide is 24-point Times New Roman font
A COMMERCIAL BREAK FOR MEASUREMENT PICA - unit of measure in newspaper 12 POINTS in a PICA 6 PICA in an INCH 72 POINTS in an INCH Your conversion for picas to inches is six to one 12 picas = 2 inches
BACK TO TYPOGRAPHY There are MILLIONS of fonts, but only two types of FONT FAMILIES: SERIF: A serif font has tiny strokes or “serifs” at the end of each letter… this is a serif font SANS SERIF: A sans serif font has NO strokes or serifs… this is a sans serif font WHAT’S THE DIFFERENCE? Preference, truly -- many say a serif font looks more traditional and “established” than a sans serif Conversely, sans serif fonts looks more modern and clean
CAN WE MIX THEM UP ON OUR PAPER? It’s your paper, you can do what you want. Rule of Thumb: Headline font and body font should be in the same font family Headline may be an applied alteration (bold, italic, heavy or condensed) Use an “opposite” font for cutlines If you use serif for body and heads, use sans for cutlines USE SPECIAL FONTS SPARINGLY and only when applicable
HEADLINE DESIGN: Headlines should attract readers to the story without overselling the story Written in present tense Be conversational Weight and size should match importance of story Use this as a guideline for headlines:
PLACING BODY COPY Text is measured in inches - and inches are divided into equal columns across a newspaper Because it is difficult to read a one-column story that is as long as the paper is tall, we incorporate modular design that flow across several columns of type For example, you might have a big front page story, but you won’t use the whole front page - chances are you will use the portion of the paper closest to the FLAG, square off using modular design and then jumpline to the continued story
PHOTOGRAPHS Also called a “cut,” thus the name “cutline” Three shapes for photos: Vertical Horizontal - most common Square
DOMINANT PHOTO The biggest photo on the spread Every design should have one Choose a photograph that is relevant to the story Faces should be the size of a dime Use a border around the image, usually a .25 or .5 point line Must have photographer credit and a cutline
CUTLINES Written in three to four lines of type under a photo Explain the action IN FEATURE DESIGN they can be shown on the side of the image instead of beneath it Typefaces are often different than that of the body text on a page to help readers distinguish between the two
ALL OF THESE THINGS THAT YOU MUST DECIDE: What will your flag look like? What are your fonts? What do your folios look like? How many columns will you use on your design grid? Six columns for full size paper Five columns for tabloid size
BASIC DESIGN Nothing basic about it.