Putting the hate campaign against Malala in perspective Beena Sarwar www.beenasarwar.com “CELEBRATE NOBEL LAUREATE MALALA YOUSAFZAI” Boston, November 15, 2015 APPNE, PAGB, OPEN, New England Pakhtoon Association, Pakistani Association of New Hampshire
Why does Malala’s Nobel bother so many on the Left?
“Who is your ideal, Afia or Malala?”
“Malala with American army officials” – JI propaganda justifying the attack on Malala, using an NGO meeting with Holbrook that she attended with her father.
“CIA agent Adam Ellick in disguised as a Taliban with Malala and her father”. NYT reporter who made a documentary on her much before the attack finds himself in line of fire.
October 2013 “I am Malala” propels her into more prominence. Pakistan’s Dirty Tricks Brigade #DTBPk springs into action again
“Malala and her promoters” “Is this the same Malala “Malala and her promoters” “Is this the same Malala?” “Why is the media silent” “Malala has justified Salman Rushdie in the name of freedom of expression”
The actual quote
Malala pictured with “blasphemers” Salman Rushdie (it’s actually EU president Martin Schulz ) and Taslima Nasreen (was not allowed to meet Malala)
Fake quote about burqa and beard attributed to Malala refuted
"I Am Not Malala”: All Pakistan Private Schools Federation at Islamabad Press Club. Photo by Hassan Turi, Awami Workers Party
BBC invites a man posing as “Editor”, his comments make news the world over
Amplifying the “Malala phobia”? Influence of right-wing Taliban sympathisers in Pakistan Exposé of the Pakistani state’s connections with radical Islamists and social fault lines that lead to discrimination against women Biased textbooks that distort history and glorify wars in the name of Islam. Pakistan’s internal policy failures and the nexus between the mullah (clergy) and the military (the army’s tolerance, encouragement and protection for Fasadis).
Anti-women, hyper-religious society ‘Ban’ on book and its English language makes it easier for conservative commentators to spread disinformation among illiterate, religiously passionate millions Easy to “attack a women’s character or accuse her of being anti-Islamic when they actually fail to support their arguments with facts and logic” - Khaperai Yousafzai, The Baloch Hal World governments, writers and intellectuals must stand by Malala – Malik Siraj Akbar, WHY PAKISTANIS ARE TALKING ABOUT SALMAN RUSHDIE AGAIN, Huffington Post, Nov 12, 2014