Laci Sims, Jack Hensell, and Hailey Fitzgerald. Matter and Energy Laci Sims, Jack Hensell, and Hailey Fitzgerald.
What is Matter? Matter is anything that has mass and takes up space. With some exceptions, it can be seen, smelled, and felt. Chemistry studies the nature of matter – how its building blocks are put together and how they interact.
States of Matter: Solid Liquid Gas Plasma Have definite shape and volume. Have definite volume but conform to the shape of their container. Have neither definite shape nor definite volume. An ionized gas, a gas into which sufficient energy is provided to free electrons from atoms or molecules and to allow both species, ions and electrons, to coexist.
Matter and can changed both physically and chemically.
What is Energy? Energy is the ability to do work or to put matter into motion. It is mass less and does not take up space, and it can only be measured by its effects on matter.
When energy is actually doing work, it is referred to a kinetic. When it is inactive, it is called potential energy. All forms of energy exhibit both kinetic and potential work capacities.
Forms of Energy: Chemical Electrical Mechanical Radiant It is stored in the bonds of chemical substances It results from the movement of charged particles. It is directly involved in moving matter. It travels in waves, that is, energy of the electromagnetic spectrum, which includes x-rays and infrared, visible light, radio, and ultraviolet waves.
Work Cited: Marieb, Elaine. “Matter and Energy.” Essentials of Human Anatomy & Physiology. Serina Beauparlent. Eighth edition. San Francisco: Pearson, 2006. 26-27. Print. Google Images.
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