Welcome to 2017-2018 Mrs. Potts
Notes! Write this down! Go to ranchorams.org>Students>Contact a Teacher>Potts>Geometry Honors Print the Syllabus (You can do this in the school library) and put it in your Geometry binder You & your parents read it & then sign the last page Turn in the LAST PAGE ONLY. It is worth FIVE practice work assignments. (500pts) It is worth half credit after 9-15-17 (250pts) There will be questions from it on your first binder check 8-29-17
Tonight: (yes, write this down too) Print, read and sign the course syllabus. Bring the signed page back ASAP Do the Diagnostic WS. It is due TOMORROW You need a compass (the draws circles kind, not the NSEW kind) by 8-24-17. It is impossible to do the work without one. Tests are 50% of your grade. This will be a question on your Binder check. OK, you can stop taking notes now. Just stare. Maybe ask questions? That’s cool too.
Board: Agenda, Important Dates, Quarter 1 Important Dates, Availability
Warm Up Expectations
MATERIALS Compass - 8-16 (IN 2 DAYS) for Regular and 8-24 for Honors Straightedge (ruler) Calculator (scientific or graphing)- needs sin, cos, tan Pencils Paper (lined and graph) Colored pencils, pens, crayons, markers, or highlighters (optional but HIGHLY RECOMMENDED) 3 ring binder & 5 Dividers
Importance of DOING HOMEWORK
The FAQ Will I have HW every day? How is this class structured? Yes, nearly every day unless you finish it in class. How is this class structured? Approximately 3 Units per quarter. In each Unit expect nightly HW, 1 Quiz (open note) and 1 Unit test. In addition, daily Warm Ups & Binder Checks also contribute to your success.
What to do if you need help. REMIND 101
How To Get Help See ANY of these teachers There is a sign on the door. Both inside and outside. Ms. Potts (rm 1219) is available after school 2-3 pm on Mon. & Fri. Ms. Breach (room 1217) is available after school 2- 3pm on Tues. & Thurs. Ms. D’Ercole (rm 1221) is available after school 2- 3pm on Tues. & Thurs. Mr. Reynoso (rm 1309) is available after school 2- 3pm on Tues. & Thurs.
No Name Bin
The Grading Policy Semester 1 Grade is calculated as follows: 1st and 2nd Qtr are each 40%. Final exam is 20%. Sorry, we don’t round. Infinite Campus already did.
Start with a routine of time and place to do work and a system to remember to turn it in NOW
Actually – Use Notes
You complain about homework but when I give you time to work in class you just socialize
Stuff about Ms. Potts no one cares about but might be on a test someday…. I am left handed. This is probably a test question. 2 daughters & 1 son graduated from Rancho (09), (11) & (13). I am a band geek. Youngest daughter is in band @ Clark HS (18). She is a traitor. I’ve been teaching 16 years. 14 years at Rancho, 2 years in California. I have taught Geometry H & R for 9 years I have an Associates Degree in Science, a Bachelors degree in Math and a Masters Degree in Curriculum & Instruction I am terrible at drawing. Really. No really.