Teaching Genetics With Dogs


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Presentation transcript:

Teaching Genetics With Dogs An instructors’ Overview Copyrigh © 2013 by The Adapa Project

Why Use Dogs As Models For Teaching Genetics? They have tremendous power to engage students’ attention Put another way… INSTRUCTOR NOTES: if you are re-using this presentation to demonstrate the model to others, we recommend showing no more than 3 of the following photos. We included a variety of photographs so users can choose which are best for their audience. There is a mix of working breeds, herder/guardians, companion, and hunting/gun breeds . All photos are tagged with breed and link to their original source. In deciding which photos to show, the goal is for the audience to experience firsthand the emotional response that dogs generate for students. See Notes ∨

…This is Why! Rough collie http://www.flickr.com/photos/remcat/2619012108/

Why Use Dogs As Models For Teaching Genetics? “Aaww…” factor: Students engage emotionally with dogs on many levels Emotional engagement improves both motivation, attention Students can connect genetic principles directly to their personal lives

Welsh corgi http://www.flickr.com/photos/evocateur/8526272620/sizes/c/in/photostream/

Border collies http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/e7/Chiot_border_collie_noir_et_blanc_de_l%27élevage_de_Grimmauprès.JPG

Yellow Labrador retriever http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Afra_004.jpg

American Eskimo dog http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/74/American_Eskimo_Pup.jpg

Long-haired German shepherd http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/a8/BXK84714_pastor800.jpg


Eurasier http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/a6/Eurasierwelpe_3.jpg/1024px-Eurasierwelpe_3.jpg

Border collies http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/ca/Chiot_border_collie_de_l%27élevage_de_Grimmauprès.JPG

Saint Bernard http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:St._Bernard_puppy.jpg

Pug http://www.flickr.com/photos/kinjengsubmiter/4215837259/sizes/o/in/photostream/

Shih tzu http://xxtgxxstock.deviantart.com/art/Shih-Tzu-Puppies-14-366105045

Japanese akita with pup http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Yuki_and_Branca_-_Japanese_Akita.jpg

Other Benefits of Dogs As Models For Teaching Genetics Dogs, human share defects, diseases Ex. Hypocretin receptor tied to narcolepsy ID’ed in dachshunds Easily scored traits w/varied inheritance Clear links b/t genotypes, molecules, phenotypes Breeds are well isolated sub-populations Ample open-access literature

The Adapa Project Our Question: What is needed to make dogs a viable genetics teaching model? Central, managed resource collection Tools to develop new teaching resources Curation strategy Collaborators, contributors, end-users

Our Solution

Teaching Genetics With Dogs: Mendel, Molecules & A Cold Wet Nose One-stop resource repository Info, tools, ideas Supports crowd-sourced contributions Catalog of genetics problems: Is fully open-source Has transparent authoring, review Aims to cover all major course topics

Accessing Project Resources www.adapaproject.org/doggenetics No username, password req’d to browse catalog Free registration req’d to download, comment, collaborate online Only validated instructors can access solutions, notes

Accessing Project Resources www.adapaproject.org/doggenetics Instructors can publish any genetics problems they develop in our library We encourage other collaborators to help us continue building project

To Learn More… Teaching Genetics With Dogs is part of: The Adapa Project (www.adapaproject.org) Helping ALL Students Learn Successfully Other projects & resources: BioBook (avail. 7/15) Authoring and dissemination resources Free software for students Ed-Tech collaborative spaces

Copyright & Reuse of This Presentation Copyright © 2013by The Adapa Project (www.adapaproject.org), a not-for-profit educational organization. This compilation work is available for re-use under the terms of aCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. All or part may be revised and reused for non-commercial educational purposes provided the original source is clearly indicated. Unless marked otherwise, all images contained in this compilation are from Creative Commons licensed sources. Photos may be reused for non-commercial educational purposes provided the original source is clearly marked. Links to original sources are in the Notes section of each slide.