Author & Illustrator: Peter H. Reynolds Genre: Realistic Fiction The Dot Author & Illustrator: Peter H. Reynolds Genre: Realistic Fiction
Word Work - Base Words (CVCe, CVC) with –ed, -ing endings Ending -ed park parked rest rested trip tripped plan planned use used Ending –ing show showing pushing pushing let letting wave waving pop popping
Practice snow snowing bike biked hug hugging pat patted wave waving grab grabbed
Let’s Read 1. wave waved waving hop hopped hopping 2. pat patted patting bike biked biking 3. used using hoped hopped hugged hugging 4. biking popped patted waved using popping 5. they’ve sleep cute write 6. dune book clue napkin 7. pick pickle tack tackle turtle wiggle 8. The bear grabbed the nuts. 9. A bear is digging a den.
Word Reading asked helped calling howling biking patted writing waved snowing showed pushed surprised grabbing studied grouping using sleeping singing biked digging
Compare and Contrast As you read, ask yourself how things are alike and different. Good readers use evidence to compare and contrast characters, settings, or events. To understand you can use a diagram to show how two things are alike and different.
The Dot Day 2
Word Work late light let hay he high met might meet lay lie Lee pay pie Patty
Let’s Read 1. wave waved waving hop hopped hopping 2. pat patted patting bike biked biking 3. used using hoped popping hugged hugging 4. they’ve sleep cute write dune napkin 5. pick pickle tack tackle turtle wiggle 6. Red wagged his tail. 7. Red was hiding in a good place.
High Frequency Words above bear even pushed studied surprised teacher toward
The Dot Day 3
Words to Read Long i Syllables Which syllable has the long i ? sideways necktie frightened sighing headlight
High - Frequency Words above bear even pushed studied surprised teacher toward
Let’s Read words with Long –e Spelling Patterns -y, ie pen penny filled field thief chief nice niece party parties shine shiny thief field niece sticky stories hurried thief piece hurried pennies field windy fault hook toy pause food draw coin town happy happier happiest funny funnier funniest Henry hurried to pump up the beds. Henry had a leaky bed.
Word Reading toy field thief funny penny nice coins biked popping using happy party sticky windy niece patted tackled sleepy snowing talked
The Dot Day 4
Sentences The small bear hopped the fence to get into the yard. The students biked all day with their teacher. Pete surprised his dad by popping out from behind the curtain. Today we counted the shapes into even groups. We are using a new reading book this week.
High Frequency Words Unit 6 teacher studied surprised toward bear above even pushed
High Frequency Words Unit 5 few window shall night baby begins eight follow again along began boy ready kinds covers country buy city family myself noise world loudly story learning until years young father house nothing together earth warms soil almost party please school seven
High Frequency Words Unit 4 think bring before light about by car could first food ground right work great talk paper want old try use because carry show around don’t maybe sure there sometimes these under your were soon laugh done more wash mother door
High Frequency Words Unit 3 blue cold far little been brown know never down fall goes green four five into over bird fly bath long live their water where off out own very grow new open yellow starts three two watch eyes or those walk
High Frequency Words Unit 2 away call come every hear said her now our after draw picture read was write animal how make of some why she today would eat give one put small take
High Frequency Words Unit 1 and be help play with you for have he look too what do find funny sing no they all does here me my who friend full good hold many pull