SW 840 Week 3
I Can’t Teach What It is Like To Be LGBT A person of color A person with a disability To be an elder To be a Muslim
Together We Can Become Aware Of Privilege What it means to be Male, White Heterosexual Middle class Young Able of body and mind
A Stable Society Dependent upon morals and values People internalize values through socialization. Cultural values and status related norms develop from a dichotomy called achievement/ascription (Ritzer, 1996).
Ascriptive Qualities Qualities that are ascribed to a person Sex, age, race or family status
Achievement One’s achievements based upon performance? Frequently, in our Society ascriptive features were to be valued over achievement (Ritzer, p.32, 1996).
Societies evolved on the basis of ascriptive qualities related to kinship, ethnic solidarity, primary groups, and territorial grouping. In modern societies, the strength of these ascriptive qualities may have decreased on the surface, but they are so fundamental to social functioning, that they are never completely eliminated (Mayhew, 2002).
All societies develop a mechanism or a means to distribute wealth, power and opportunity. Often these resources are shared inequitably. One way to ensure one group benefits over other groups is to establish a system of privilege.
Social Identity Culture Norms – shared expectations and rules Values – freedom; equality; achievement and success (hard work)
Dominant Culture (making generalizations) In this society the norms and values transmitted represent Christian White middle class men who are heterosexual, and middle aged, who are not challenged with any physical or mental disabilities, etc.
Rape statistics rise Native American women on reservations experience highest number of assaults in the country. Perpetrators are most frequently non-Indians. Do men view these stats differently than do women Do Indian’s view differ from non-Indians?
Funding cuts Mental health and substance abuse facilities closed Services for developmentally disabled curtailed Home visits for elderly suspended What do you think about these cuts and why?
Hate Crimes on the rise LGBT students in colleges report Harassment in dorms and while walking on campus If you are heterosexual are you worried?
Right Wing Extremist Groups On the Rise since Obama’s Election Right Wing Extremist Groups On the Rise since Obama’s Election. Threats from White supremacist group up source: www.politicususa.com Does such a report affect White People differently than it does people of color?
One’s identity Impacts how one processes information It often privileges you to not think about the headlines One identity that is rarely discussed is White Identity
White Identity In our society We talk about race We talk about “minorities” We don’t about what it means to be White
When was the first time you realized you were White? When was the first time you were aware of your race, religion, gender, sexual orientation or different somehow?
We are all at different places on the continuum of looking at the privilege that is associated with our identities
Asian, Black, Latino, Native People Racism Social Identity Categories Privileged Social Groups Targeted Ism Race White People Asian, Black, Latino, Native People Racism Sex Bio Men Bio Women Sexism Sexual Orientation Heterosexual People Lesbians, Gay Men Heterosexism Class Rich, Upper Class Middle Class People Working Class, Poor People Classism Ability/Disability Temporarily Abled Bodied People People with Disabilities Ableism Gender Gender Conforming And Women Transgender, Genderqueer, Intersex People Transgender Oppression
Africa Asia Europe South America Which Continent sends Immigrants to the US who are the most educated and most successful occupationally? Africa Asia Europe South America