Lexile Framework for Reading The purpose of Lexiles includes: Their potential to improve reading skills and motivate students to read; and Using Lexiles to differentiate instruction, select appropriate student reading materials and discuss student progress in reading. 21st Century Special Educators: Leading the Change! WVDE SETLA 2009
21st Century Special Educators: Leading the Change! The purpose of Lexiles Potential to improve reading skills and motivate students to read Differentiate instruction, select appropriate student reading materials and discuss student progress in reading. 21st Century Special Educators: Leading the Change! WVDE SETLA 2009
What is a Lexile? Lexiles provide a single measure of… Reader Ability and Text Readability In units called “Lexiles.” This is what makes Lexiles so unique…it measures the readers ability and the text readability on the same scale, in the same units which are called Lexiles. 21st Century Special Educators: Leading the Change! WVDE SETLA 2009 3
21st Century Special Educators: Leading the Change! Lexile Reader Measure Lexile Scale Lexile Text Measure 1700L Advanced Reader Difficult Text A higher Lexile reader measure represents a higher level of reading ability on the Lexile scale. A higher Lexile on the text measure means more difficult text (semantic difficulty + syntactic complexity). Beginning Reader Easy Text 200L 21st Century Special Educators: Leading the Change! WVDE SETLA 2009 4
21st Century Special Educators: Leading the Change! Text Difficulty Arthur and the Recess Rookie 370L Arthur Goes to Camp 380L Arthur, clean Your Room! 370L Harry Potter series (880L to 950L) Little Women 1300L Don Quixote 1410L These are examples of text difficulty. Arthur books fall within the Lexile range of a typical second grader. These books have shorter sentences and words appear frequently. Books in the Harry Potter series, Little Women, and Don Quixote contain longer sentences and more complex words. 21st Century Special Educators: Leading the Change! WVDE SETLA 2009 5
21st Century Special Educators: Leading the Change! The Lexile Map Grade Level Range Lexile Measure Literature Titles The Lexile Map provides a graphic representation of novels, nonfiction books and textbooks matched to appropriate levels of reading ability. The titles on the Lexile map are not recommended books, nor should they be viewed as a reading list. Lexiles target students to books where the student is expected to have 75 percent comprehension. The Lexile map makes it easy to see how reading develops and to help guide students to appropriately challenging reading materials. There is no direct correspondence between a specific Lexile® measure and a specific grade level. Within any classroom or grade, there will be a range of readers and a range of reading materials. For example, in a fifth-grade classroom there will be some readers who are ahead of the typical reader (about 250L above) and some readers who are behind the typical reader (about 250L below). To say that some books are “just right” for fifth graders assumes that all fifth graders are reading at the same level. The Lexile Framework® for Reading is intended to match readers with texts at whatever level the reader is reading. Benchmarks (Sample Text) 21st Century Special Educators: Leading the Change! WVDE SETLA 2009 6 6
21st Century Special Educators: Leading the Change! How do Lexiles improve instruction in the classroom? Let’s view some books and their Lexile measures 490L 320L 220L 21st Century Special Educators: Leading the Change! WVDE SETLA 2009
21st Century Special Educators: Leading the Change! (Allow a few seconds to look over slide) 770L 660L 560L 21st Century Special Educators: Leading the Change! WVDE SETLA 2009
21st Century Special Educators: Leading the Change! (Allow a few seconds to look over slide) 1030L 820L 950L 21st Century Special Educators: Leading the Change! WVDE SETLA 2009
21st Century Special Educators: Leading the Change! (Allow a few seconds to look over the slide) 1210L 1200L 1160L 21st Century Special Educators: Leading the Change! WVDE SETLA 2009
21st Century Special Educators: Leading the Change! And a few more. (Allow a few seconds to look over slide) 1530L 1440L 1340L 21st Century Special Educators: Leading the Change! WVDE SETLA 2009
21st Century Special Educators: Leading the Change! (Allow a few seconds to look over slide) 1840L 1790L 1680L 21st Century Special Educators: Leading the Change! WVDE SETLA 2009
21st Century Special Educators: Leading the Change! WVDE SETLA 2009
How do I get Lexiles measures for my students? “State Information” page on West Virginia ACT Explore (Grade 8) ACT Plan (Grade 10) WESTEST 2 (Spring 2009) WVDE On-line IEP (Fall 2009) For West Virginia, a state information page, under the resource section of the Lexile site, is available. The ACT Explore in the 8th grade, the ACT Plan in 10th grade and the WESTEST 2 (in spring 2009) give student Lexile measures. This fall the WVDE On-line IEP will provide student Lexile measures along with the assessment data. 21st Century Special Educators: Leading the Change! WVDE SETLA 2009 14
21st Century Special Educators: Leading the Change! This is an 11th grade mock up of the new WESTEST 2 report. The Office of Assessment gave us this mock up so that you can see where the Lexile and Quantile measures will be addressed. The red circle indicates that position and the black arrow points out the explanation of Lexiles. Remember this is just a mock up of the report and it has not been finalized. Just a reminder, one of the personal growth sessions is on Quantiles. 21st Century Special Educators: Leading the Change! WVDE SETLA 2009 15
Placing a Reader on the Lexile Map Harcourt Assessment – SAT-10, SAT-9, MAT-8 CTB/McGraw Hill – TerraNova Assessment Series Scholastic – SRI, READ 180, Reading Counts! Sopris West - Language! Voyager – Passport Reading Journeys Northwest Evaluation Assoc. – Measures of Academic Progress Pearson - Stanford 9 and 10 Riverside – Gates-MacGinitie Reading Tests Dynamic Measurement Group - DIBELS Major standardized reading tests and many popular instructional reading programs can report student reading scores in Lexiles. Many of your schools have Lexile measures for students because of the reading tests or programs that are already in use. Check online under the Resources tab for other assessments and reading programs that are not listed on this slide. As a result, students who are in these reading programs have Lexile measures that tie day-to-day work in the classroom to critical high-stakes tests. This provides informal assessment and feedback while using the same consistent measurement without additional testing. The Gates-MacGinitie Reading Tests have been around for some time. We suggest that you find out if your school has this text and use it as a Lexile measure for students throughout the year. How many of you see an assessment or a reading program that your county uses? What are they doing with the Lexile measures? Do these programs train the educator to use Lexiles-this might be something you would want as a school or county before buying tests and programs! 21st Century Special Educators: Leading the Change! WVDE SETLA 2009 16
Linking Assessment to Instruction Lexiles… Add value to state assessments –adding more information but not more time. Offer a common scale for monitoring student progress. Paint a “big picture” view of student progress, preschool through graduate school. Give parents and students a way to monitor reading progress. Slide 22 Whole Group Time: 1 minute Today’s students take many different types of assessments and receive many different scores. These scores provide important measures of student proficiency in content areas, but they are often static. The data often can’t be used to inform instruction or to help educators and parents to select appropriate reading materials based on the child’s ability. Lexiles make an assessment authentic, adding relevance to what the educator, the parent and the student can do with the assessment data. 21st Century Special Educators: Leading the Change! WVDE SETLA 2009 17
Lexile Comprehension Model Reader Ability = 600L Text Readability = 600L (75% forecasted comprehension) “Targeted” Comprehension = 75% Independent Reading How do we manage the comprehension of a text?? A reader with a Lexile of 600 who is asked to read a text measured 600L is expected to have 75 % comprehension rate. This is described as targeted reading…not so difficult that the reader disengages with the text, but not so easy that the reader is not making new meanings by encountering new vocabulary or encountering new sentence structure. You are probably wondering about the student with a 600L and the text is 350L or 850L. The tool Lexile Calculator will aid you to forecast comprehension. 21st Century Special Educators: Leading the Change! WVDE SETLA 2009
Why 75% Comprehension? 75% is the “right amount of challenge” Research suggests that at 75%… A reader can have a successful reading experience without frustration or boredom A reader can achieve “functional comprehension” of the text A reader will be sufficiently challenged (by vocabulary and syntax) 75% is the “right amount of challenge” Remember that 75% is the right amount of challenge. (Allow time to look over the slide) 21st Century Special Educators: Leading the Change! WVDE SETLA 2009
Managing Comprehension Readers can experience frustration when… - Text readability is over 50L above their Lexile level Readers can experience ease when… Text readability is over 100L below their Lexile level Targeted text range of 100L below to 50L above the student’s Lexile level You can further adjust anticipated comprehension simply by choosing more or less difficult texts within a student’s Lexile range, which spans 50L above and 100L below his/her Lexile measures. The box at the bottom of the page is very important as teachers begin to use the Lexile measures. (Allow time to look over slide) 21st Century Special Educators: Leading the Change! WVDE SETLA 2009
21st Century Special Educators: Leading the Change! Go to the Lexile site using www.Lexile.com. Today we will be looking at the educator component. www.Lexile.com 21st Century Special Educators: Leading the Change! WVDE SETLA 2009 21
Resources and Tools for Educators 21st Century Special Educators: Leading the Change! WVDE SETLA 2009 22
21st Century Special Educators: Leading the Change! Lexile Tools Find A Book – contains thousands of books, newspapers, magazines and other reading material that have a Lexile measure Lexile Analyzer – a tool for analyzing reading materials and producing a Lexile measure Spanish Lexile Analyzer-a tool for analyzing Spanish text and generate Spanish Lexile measure English Titles Download – Lexile book database These are the tools for managing comprehension in the classroom. These tools are designed to meet instructional, assessment, training and forecasting needs. The rest of the day will be spent understanding, learning and applying these tools. 21st Century Special Educators: Leading the Change! WVDE SETLA 2009 23
21st Century Special Educators: Leading the Change! Click “Find A Book” This is the tool page. The first tool we will use this afternoon is the Lexile Book Database,where you will find books that are similar to your student’s reading level. Click on Lexile Book Database. 21st Century Special Educators: Leading the Change! WVDE SETLA 2009 24
21st Century Special Educators: Leading the Change! WVDE SETLA 2009
21st Century Special Educators: Leading the Change! WVDE SETLA 2009
21st Century Special Educators: Leading the Change! Recommendations: Use a Lexile range that is from 50L above your student's Lexile measure to 100L below to ensure that s/he has a successful reading experience. Enter keywords to find books that match his/her interests. The key here is to get your student reading. Select books with the Lexile range that you are looking for (either for an individual student or a group) Remember that 75% comprehension slide. The first bullet’s information will allow for that 75% comprehension. (NOTE: While students should be encouraged to move on to more demanding material as their skills develop, it is not necessary for them to advance to a higher Lexile measure with each new book. By reading several books at one Lexile measure, readers can build confidence and comfort in their degree of reading comprehension before moving to the next zone on the Lexile map.) 21st Century Special Educators: Leading the Change! WVDE SETLA 2009 27
21st Century Special Educators: Leading the Change! WVDE SETLA 2009
21st Century Special Educators: Leading the Change! The 4 search parameters are: Title (can be partial) Author (can be partial) Lexile range (allows you to see a range of books) Key words (searches book title and its description) ISBN (allow you to target a book) Lets try some. Take five minutes to try some searches on your own. 21st Century Special Educators: Leading the Change! WVDE SETLA 2009 29
21st Century Special Educators: Leading the Change! The Lexile Codes Illustrated Glossary (IG) Non-conforming Text (NC) Inconsistent with the developmental appropriateness of the text Beginning Reading (BR) Lexile measure of zero or below Non-prose Text (NP) Poems, plays, songs, and books in which punctuation is absent or used unconventionally Adult-directed Text (AD) Designed to be read to or with readers Graphic Novel (GN) The text of these books is largely in voice or thought bubbles that are integrated into comic book-style illustrations Did you see the complete listing of Lexile codes? You will need to use this when using the Book Database. 21st Century Special Educators: Leading the Change! WVDE SETLA 2009 30
21st Century Special Educators: Leading the Change! WVDE SETLA 2009
21st Century Special Educators: Leading the Change! WVDE SETLA 2009
21st Century Special Educators: Leading the Change! WVDE SETLA 2009
21st Century Special Educators: Leading the Change! BookLists Create a BookList for your reading groups. Create a BookList for summer reading. Create a BookList for independent reading program. One powerful way to use the “Find a Book with Lexiles” site is to send your students home for the summer with reading lists in hand. You can fill and print as many Lexile BookList as you need to encourage your students to keep reading. 21st Century Special Educators: Leading the Change! WVDE SETLA 2009 34
21st Century Special Educators: Leading the Change! WVDE SETLA 2009
21st Century Special Educators: Leading the Change! WVDE SETLA 2009
Solutions to Advance Adolescent Literacy in West Virginia May 2008 AIM for Literacy Solutions to Advance Adolescent Literacy in West Virginia May 2008 Slide 1: Title Slide Welcome to the second of a series of webinars designed to provide information about adolescent literacy. Welcome Literacy Leadership Teams! This PowerPoint presentation will be available following the webinar on the WVDE RTI website at http://wvde.state.wv.us/ose/RtI.html As our title suggests, this afternoon we will be discussing important solutions to assist you in advancing adolescent literacy in West Virginia. West Virginia Department of Education
Professional Development Levels of Support Individual Students Classroom Unit Professional Development Advanced Tier Students consistently exceed the targets and can handle advance materials; need challenge, extension and enrichment Assessment: Assessment every 6-8 weeks Materials: Standard plus reading 25 books per year; SREB recommends 100 pages of technical text to receive credit for one book Students in the classroom are exceeding the benchmarks as demonstrated through assessment; teachers are models and resources for others; AP and Pre-AP trained teachers Time: Policy 2510 RLA requirement Advanced Placement training and material; Pre-AP instructional strategies and materials; Differentiated Instruction training; Training on adopted instructional materials; Instructional guides and/or standards-based unit plans; Assessments for and of learning Slide 9: This is the advanced tier. A way of identifying these students might be to think of the students that score above mastery or distinguished on the WESTEST (although this certainly should not be the only way to determine students for the advanced tier). These are the students who need extension or enrichment. However, if you look at the last column on Professional Development, teachers could differentiate their class work in the elementary or middle school so that the advanced students are receiving the enrichment they need. Also, these students should be reading at least 25 books per year (recommended by the Southern Regional Education Board-SREB). West Virginia Department of Education
The Lexile Analyzer Scan text into electronic format Edit text Examine words Examine sentences This is the graphic representation of how text is analyzed in order to get a Lexile measure for text. Educators can use the Lexile Analyzer to determine the readability of a text, document, etc. (Allow time to look over the slide) Calculate Lexile measure Review text and Lexile measure 21st Century Special Educators: Leading the Change! WVDE SETLA 2009 39
Lexile Analyzer: Managing Comprehension Another tool is the Lexile Analyzer which analyzes text to produce a Lexile measure. The Lexile Analyzer can be used to obtain measures for already published materials. Content-area teachers can manage reading comprehension by using the analyzer for the purpose of getting a text-difficulty measure reported in Lexiles. First, registration is required. Click at the bottom of the page to register or sign in if you have already registered. (Allow 5 minutes for everyone to register) Move to next slide while they are registering) Click to Register 21st Century Special Educators: Leading the Change! WVDE SETLA 2009 40
21st Century Special Educators: Leading the Change! Tools - Lexile Analyzer Time: Keep up while everyone is registering. This shows the information they will need. 21st Century Special Educators: Leading the Change! WVDE SETLA 2009 41
21st Century Special Educators: Leading the Change! This is the Lexile Analyzer. I will show you how to upload documents to measure. 21st Century Special Educators: Leading the Change! WVDE SETLA 2009 42
Creating Documents for the Online Analyzer Find text document or on-line Save the document as “plain text.” You are now ready to use the online analyzer to determine the Lexile measure of the text First you find or create your text document. Save the document as “text only” and now use the analyzer to determine the Lexile measure of the text. 21st Century Special Educators: Leading the Change! WVDE SETLA 2009 43
21st Century Special Educators: Leading the Change! Here is an example of a document. 21st Century Special Educators: Leading the Change! WVDE SETLA 2009 44
Saving Documents to Analyze You must save your document as Text Only Make sure you remember where you saved your document and save as PLAIN TEXT. 21st Century Special Educators: Leading the Change! WVDE SETLA 2009 45
21st Century Special Educators: Leading the Change! WVDE SETLA 2009
21st Century Special Educators: Leading the Change! Save to Desktop – remember where you save your information – save in text only! 21st Century Special Educators: Leading the Change! WVDE SETLA 2009 47
Click Browse… to find your file Lexile Analyzer Click browse to find your file Click Browse… to find your file 21st Century Special Educators: Leading the Change! WVDE SETLA 2009 48
Double click on the document Insert the Document Locate your document Double click on the document Locate your document that you saved and double click on the document. (Some participants may need assistance locating where they saved their document) 21st Century Special Educators: Leading the Change! WVDE SETLA 2009 49
21st Century Special Educators: Leading the Change! The Results Remember to record the Lexile measure of their text as this online version of the Analyzer does not store the information. Take five minutes to explore using the analyzer. The analyzer might seem hard to use but once you and your colleagues go through the process-you will find it is a valuable tool. 21st Century Special Educators: Leading the Change! WVDE SETLA 2009 50
21st Century Special Educators: Leading the Change! Lexile Calculator gone. 21st Century Special Educators: Leading the Change! WVDE SETLA 2009 51
21st Century Special Educators: Leading the Change! Lexile Scavenger Hunt Slide 60: Transition Slide to Session 2 21st Century Special Educators: Leading the Change! WVDE SETLA 2009
21st Century Special Educators: Leading the Change! Which of these is NOT within the 600-700 Lexile range? Corduroy Blubber How Much Is A Million 21st Century Special Educators: Leading the Change! WVDE SETLA 2009
21st Century Special Educators: Leading the Change! WVDE SETLA 2009
21st Century Special Educators: Leading the Change! WVDE SETLA 2009
21st Century Special Educators: Leading the Change! WVDE SETLA 2009
21st Century Special Educators: Leading the Change! Lexile Scavenger Hunt Your mission......... Answer the 9 questions Slide 63 Individual/Group Activity Time: 5 minutes to explain rules and 30 minutes to complete scavenger hunt and 10 minutes to give answers and reward prizes. Open the Lexile Online Scavenger Hunt MWord file in the Lexiles folder for Wednesday. Review/Explain the rules. The first table to finish correctly gets copies of the WV Lexile Map. 21st Century Special Educators: Leading the Change! WVDE SETLA 2009