EXTREME EARTH YEAR 5 and 6 SUMMER 2017 ENGLISH A range of genres and texts inspired by Hurricane (David Wiesner) Extreme Earth News Reports and Articles Multiple-choice quest adventures MATHS Graphing different temperatures from around the world Investigation – funding a new school where a natural disaster has taken place SCIENCE Light – How we See Things/Shadows The Water Cycle Reversible and Irreversible Changes HISTORY Learn about natural disasters throughout history and how they have affected people in these regions GEOGRAPHY Investigate the Earth’s climate and areas of extreme temperatures Look at extreme weather conditions around the world Learn about natural disasters that have occurred around the world and the reasons for these PE/GAMES Rounders and Cricket Athletics Tennis Indoor Invasion Games House Matches ART/ DESIGN AND TECH Bridget Wilkinson pictures Use colour, line and shading to create artistic Explore and create Hokusai’s Great Wave Design a waterproof container -Design, make and evaluate interactive info-boxes COMPUTING Newspaper Article for Natural Disasters Create a Film about a Natural Disaster MFL (FRENCH) Expressing feelings and emotions: annoyance, surprise, amazement and disbelief Hola! A taste of Spain! MUSIC Musicianship for the Y6 show of Treasure Island and supporting choir RE/PSHE Christianity - Jesus Significant events during his life and teaching and their impact on ‘believing’ in Christianity Relationships and Changes