Raging Rivers Year 5 – Term 5 PSHE Mathematics Consolidating number facts – times tables and inverse facts. Revisiting rounding – including decimal numbers. Calculating using decimals. Fractions, decimals and percentages – knowing key facts, working with mixed numbers, adding and subtracting fractions. Solving problems involving fractions, decimals and percentages. Interpreting information from tables and graphs. PSHE My friends and family unit – feeling embarrassed, emotional and body changes, personal hygiene. Visit from Hilary Williams – school nurse Year 5 – Term 5 Science - Plants Identification and labelling Germination and asexual reproduction Dispersal English Read Write Inc spelling scheme – ant, ance, ancy, cious endings and ei spellings. Developing reading comprehension skills. Grammar focus – using prefixes and suffixes to change meanings of words, use of punctuation, tenses, clauses in sentences. Writing – River Journey writing, Water Poetry for performance, Amazon tales Music Listening to music from a range of genres. Developing singing. Raging Rivers PE Games Athletics RE Worship theme – Truthfulness What is the best way for a Christian to show commitment to God? Geography Use a variety of resources to investigate rivers and streams and understand their forms, locations and activity. The importance of the water cycle. Produce labelled annotated diagrams of rivers. Develop their observational skills and fieldwork techniques. To investigate some physical aspects of a local river and compare with a worldwide river (Amazon) To present their findings clearly using text, maps and diagrams. Art / DT Watercolour techniques Reflection paintings Class collage of river scene using a variety of techniques Computing “We are bloggers” unit of work. Using blogs as a genre for writing. Developing a critical and reflective view of media, including text. MFL Developing vocabulary