Inquiry Question Findings
Welcome! Agenda How does lying and unethical business decisions made by business executives effect the stability of society? Surprising and Interesting Idea! Why? Why is it important to you? How could this alter your normal understanding of this topic?
Topic for today… How does lying and unethical business decisions made by business executives effect the stability of society?
The Idea During my research this article in the QR Researcher caught my eye. In the article it explained how this event not only hurt the employees and people invested in the company, but it also effected other companies and society’s stability. The public outrage about Enron was not just from the consumers. It was also coming from other companies. It draws attention to them as well and people since then want to know what is going on in and with the companies they are invested in. The attempt for personal gains by Lay effect the people of society and the surrounding companies. Personal gains that undermine the society do not end well.
Why? This interested me because it made me think about how companies are connected through regular people. The domino effect interests me in a way that if something awful happens in a company, it effects everyone in society. The executives cause the problem, and drag everyone down with them. And when it happens at such a large company, like Enron, it makes people focus on all the companies. Also when it happens in the Military, people want to know. It affects us all in some way or another. Also I find it interesting how people only become interested in a company they have no association with when something goes wrong.
Why does this matter to the Financial Management Association at VCU? This idea is important for the Financial Management Association at VCU because you are going to be the future of the business world, and could learn from how past flawed ethics effected society. It is a warning of how things can go bad if you put your personal gains before society, or you obtain personal gains at the expense of society’s stability. To be a business leader you must set your goals, and try to reach your goals ETHICALLY.
How could this alter your normal understanding of this topic How one event can effect so much of society is astounding. One decision can go a long way in the business world. I believe that this will effect how you think and the decisions that you may make in your future business lives. The Financial Management Association at VCU School of Business is my target because they are the future of business. I believe that “educating” the college students about business ethics and providing examples that have happened in the past, can help in their future in business. You have some knowledge already on some business ethics, but this should make you consider all sides of a situation and how things can play out before you decide to cut corners and lie that will end up hurting society, or make ethical decisions that benefit society,
Quick Poll! Imagine years from now you are the President of a HUUGEE company. You have a make or break decision to make. One decision benefits you greatly, but hurts society in the process. The other decision is best for the company, and will make consumers satisfied. What do you do?