strengthening the elements of governance in Tajikistan Component 6: Strengthening parliamentary oversight of public finance in the Republic of Tajikistan Period: 2011 - 2013.
OVERALL PROJECT OBJECTIVE: Strengthen the capacity of Parliament of the Republic of Tajikistan as a whole and, in particular, the Committee for Economy and Finance and other relevant Committees, participation of Parliament of RT in all stages of the budget process to ensure the effective spending of public funds, budget transparency and accountability.
Expected results: 1. Increasing demand (interest) for transparency and accountability of the government in public financial management through: Increase awareness and understanding of public policy and budget issues among parliamentarians and citizens of the Republic of Tajikistan Improve the system of control of public finances and budget by the Parliament 2. Increasing equity and efficiency of public expenses spending (and services) resulting from: Strengthen of Parliament Committee for Economy and Finance through the establishment of the Secretariat; Conduct independent research and analysis in order to make decisions based on analytical calculations; Improve Parliament’s external communication on budget issues
Project components: Component 1: Strengthening the capacity of Committee for Economy and Finance and other relevant committees of Parliament Establish Secretariat with research staff and providing training and support to these staff ; Facilitate changes to relevant regulations (on a permanent basis) Component 2: Mobilization of analytical and research work Conduct research work in preparation for budget hearings and budget liaison with existing development strategies (sectoral strategies); Strengthen the analytical capacity of Secretariat and Parliament Component 3: Improving the capacity of Parliament on external communication Support to relevant committees of Parliament, dealing with public relations, through providing a comprehensive communications training program for staff as well as preparation of relevant materials for Mass Media and Public.
Participation of Parliament in the implementation of PFM within the three-year action plan of PFM PFM Strategy Committee for economy and finance of Parliament/ Secretariat under the Committee 1.8.1. (1) Training assessment needs, training and development plan to strengthen capacity of Parliament of RT Development a detailed General plan for Trainings / Capacity Building (for 3 years), including GNLK (Global Network for Learning and Knowledge) Conducting trainings according to the training plan, compiled on the basis of needs assessment. Development and approval of joint activities Plan of Secretariat and the Committee for Economy and Finance of Parliament of RT 1.8.3. (1) On-the-job and off-the-job training in preparing macro-economic projections, MTEF, state budget, debt management, monitoring budget execution 1.8.4. Improve budget scrutiny capacity of Parliament and GoT. Strengthening of Committee for economy and finance in the upper and lower chamber - annual budget approved in conjunction with MTEF and budget priorities Implementation of measures to assist the Committee in conducting of parliamentary hearings on the budget execution for 2011 and the draft budget for 2012 Strengthening the planned specialized qualification (as appropriate) of Secretariat and the Committee 4.2.3. Develop and launch training programme for Deputies involved into work of the Parliament Committee for economy and finance Conducting trainings according to training sessions plan, compiled on the basis of needs assessment Analysis of gaps and potential opportunities and needs assessment of main committees, commissions, and structural divisions of Parliament of RT related to participation in the budgetary process (co-ordination between various committees and subdivision of Parliament of RT) 4.2.4. Review the business process related to the functioning of the Parliament Committee for economy and finance Development of guidelines for the establishment of Secretariat functions as a major in the Parliament during the budget review Creation a library of available data on the budget process (in printed and electronic form) Drafting a brief guide on the budgeting (Handbook for MP - a guide to significant involvement of Majlisi Namoyandagon in the budget process) Development and agreement of conditions of interaction between Majlisi Namoyandaog and the Ministry of Finance (and other stakeholders - parties of the budget process) 4.2.5. Implement recommended improvements of business processes supporting functioning of the Parliament Committee for economy and finance
Implementation progress Achieved results Secretariat has been involved in the preparation of materials for the report on state budget for the first 9 months of 2011 for the parliamentary hearings. Secretariat has been participated in the meetings of the Committee for Economy and Finance on discussions of Draft Law on State Budget for 2012. Secretariat has developed and published a "Manual on the budget process in Tajikistan." Close cooperation with PFM Secretariat and other partners Rapid training needs assessment done. Identified themes and training plan for 2012 - 2013. Secretariat organized the first seminar on the following themes: “Review of Strategic documents of RT (NDS, PRS) and their relations to the state budget”, “Budget process in the Republic of Tajikistan on the basis of MTEF”, in a series of planned workshops, trainings and working meetings for 2012-2013, which were defined as a result of comprehensive needs assessment of Parliament in the trainings, appraised by the Secretariat. Ongoing events Preparations to the second training session . Topic : "Progress in implementation of the Strategy for Reforming the Public Administration and Strategy for Public Financial Management”, which is scheduled for April 24, 2012. Gap analysis and needs assessment of the main committees, commissions, and structural divisions of Parliament of RT related to participation in the budgetary process (co-ordination between the various committees and subdivisions of Parliament of RT) upon completion of works, Secretariat intends to give recommendations on improving interaction between the committees of Parliament. Initial analytical briefs, particular, an analysis of other budgetary expenditures (Chapter 1 - theoretical part), sent a letter to the Ministry of Finance for assistance in obtaining the necessary data for 5 years
Planned activities Implementation progress Design and delivery of the workshop on "Program budgeting, relationship of planning and budgeting " Develop and Publish a handbook - a guide to MPs (parliamentarians) on efficient engagement in the budget process Support the process of developing methodology for the preparation of Civil Budget and improving the legal framework of the budgetary process (elaboration of simple format and a mechanism of providing the basic budget information in accessible language for the public) Development of a template for analysis and negotiation on sectoral budgets (education / health / energy) Analytical brief on program budgeting : challenges and opportunities (jointly with the PFM Secretariat and Project on technical assistance to the Ministry of Finance of RT (EU)) Development of budget reports (and monitoring) in a simple format with MOF (by preliminary agreement) Development and approval of templates on budget monitoring for dissemination Development of a vision and action plan for informational center for visitors
Contacts: Official web-site of Parliament of RT: Secretariat Staff under the Committee for economy and finance of Parliament of RT Kosim Muminov - Head of Secretariat Tel: (992 37) 221-23-40 (office), 985-84-48-88 (cell) Е-mail: Lyudmila Borunova - Consultant – Analyst Tel/fax: (992 37) 227-31-08, 988-72-57-63 (cell) Е-mail: Rahima Tuichieva - Consultant – Analyst Tel/fax: (992 37) 227-31-08, 918-29-41-01 (cell) Е-mail: Zarina Mamadalieva - Office Manager Tel/fax: (992 37) 227-31-08, 918-64-51-44 (cell) Е-mail:
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