Florida SBDC at FGCU Helping Businesses Grow & Succeed “Writing Proposals” “Doing Business with the Government” State Designated as Florida’s Principal Provider of Business Assistance [§ 288.001, Fla. Stat.] Florida SBDC at FGCU Helping Businesses Grow & Succeed
Mission Statement We are a customer-driven organization of business professionals, dedicated to helping small businesses succeed, by enthusiastically providing creative solutions which exceed customer, employee, and stakeholder’s expectations.
Statewide Infrastructure Our Network Locations Statewide network of 43 centers involving: State Universities Colleges Chambers of Commerce Economic Development Councils Federal, State & Local Government Agencies Additional outreach is provided at more than 50 outreach locations, utilizing resource partners such as chambers of commerce, economic development organizations, business incubators and lending institutions.
Accelerating Florida’s Economy Only statewide provider of entrepreneurial and emerging growth company services, playing a vital role in Florida’s economic development: Assisting entrepreneurs in every stage of the business cycle, from prospective entrepreneurs to mature businesses looking for growth opportunities and more; Working with firms in all industry sectors; Utilizing the expertise and resources of some of the best universities in Florida (Florida Gulf Coast University)and a professional staff of eleven business consultants; Accessing the resources of a national network of more than 5,000 SBDC professionals; and The FSBDCN is nationally accredited through the Association of SBDCs by Congressional mandate.
Business Data & Information FSBDC Services Consulting Personalized, confidential and provided at no cost Training Value-added from the basics to advanced topics Business Data & Information Current and expansive information for better decision-making
OBJECTIVES Submit a Successful Proposal Win a Contract
Process: Pre-Registered Federal State County City
Process Continued: Find an Opportunity? Federal www.fbo.gov State www.myflorida.com County www.leecounty.com
Process Continued: Read the Solicitation…. then Read it again… and Read it again…!!!!!!!
Process Continued: What is the Requirement? Construction R&D Manufacturing Supply Service
Process Continued: What is the Solicitation Number? Example: DACA45-R-0002
Process Continued: What type of solicitation? RFQ Request For Quote Simplified Acquisition, Commercial Item IFB Invitation For Bid RFP Request For Proposal
Process Continued: When is it Due? Date: Time: Location:
Process Continued: Do We have the Time?
Process Continued: Can We do the Work? Do we have all the Skills? Do we Partner/Team? Do we Subcontract? Do we hire new staff?
Process Continued: Do We have the Facilities/Equipment?
Process Continued: Bid No Bid Decision
Lets Go For It! Identify Proposal Due Date: Time: Location:
Lets Go For It! Identify Government Requirements
Lets Go For It! 5 Cs for Writing a Proposal Clear Complete Comprehensive Concise Convincing
Lets Go For It! Proposal Plan Identify the steps required prior to the due date of the requirement
Lets Go For It! Time Line Identify critical dates in preparation of the proposal
Lets Go For It! Do not Assume Anything
Lets Go For It! Technical Section
Lets Go For It! Make Sure
Contract Process Receipt of Proposal Source Selection Cost/Price Analysis Competitive Range Negotiations Best and Final Award
Win Celebrate Contact CO Contact Gov COTR Verify Start Date Notify Staff Ensure Timely Delivery
Lost Situation Proposal is Non Responsive Request a Debrief in Writing Try again!!!!
Summary Submit a Successful Proposal Win a Contract
Q & A www.fsbdcswfl.org “Daniel Telep Jr.” Florida Gulf Coast University FSBDC 239.745.3708 or 239.745.3700 “dtelep@FGCU.edu www.fsbdcswfl.org