IT Enabled Disruptive Future of Education Raj Reddy Carnegie Mellon University Aug 10, 2016
Introduction Hon’ble AP CM expects all of AP Households to be fully connected with WiFi access in the Near Future Assuming at least 20mbps connectivity enabling streaming video, and Assuming Access to Smartphone, Tablet or Notebook PC in every Household and/or every child in school Many Disruptive Options in Educational Content, Delivery, Exams, and Cost Structure become Possible
Disruptive Curriculum Current Curriculum Obsolete Shrink by half to make room for new topics Skills needed to survive in 21st century Possible Action Items Change Curriculum 50% From Current Topics Required Minimum 50% Electives: Skills needed to survive in 21st century !st grade to 5th Grade Learning to Learn Learning to Think Learning to Live 6, 7 and 8th Grade MBA, Law, MBBS, Agriculture 9 and 10 grades Skill Development 11, 12 and 13 grades: IT, PUC, Diploma in Engineering (ITI) One Day Courses; One Week Courses; and One Month Courses
Disruptive Learning and Teaching Online Content available on Every Subject Learn to Learning without a Teacher Life Long Learning Possible Action Items Learning without a Teacher: Half the Time? Teacher on Demand: Teaching Motivation, Passion, and Perseverance, Work Ethic Learn What They Want, When They Want And How They Want
Disruptive Examination and Evaluation Options Home Schooling No Attendance Required: Open Schooling Fast Learner and Slow Learner Each Learner is Different Action Items Mastery Based Testing Time Variable and Outcome Constant New examination Formats: SAT and TOEFL
Disruptive Cost Structure Cost: Faculty Salaries, Infrastructure, Staff, Hostels, Computers, Connectivity Universities without Walls Self Paced Learning Online Content Online Tutors 24x7 connected Action Items Permit Learning and certification without attending school
Conclusion IT Enabled Choices in Education Are Clear In the Future, There are Disruptive Options for What we Teach How we Teach How we Test, and How we control Cost It Is Up To Us to Decide and Execute