Speech Content: The Proper Components of a Speech Information Communication & Technology Mrs. Zimmerman
Overview: Contents of a Speech Introduction Body Conclusions Click on each of the main titles, and follow the links to the slides containing information about the components of a speech.
Introduction Attention Getter A catchy introduction to your speech that gives the audience reason to listen to your speech. Every speech should begin with one.
Introduction Attention Getting Techniques Ask a direct or rhetorical question Quote Story Hypothetical scenario Startling statement or statistic
State the Relevance of the Topic Introduction State the Relevance of the Topic Establish why the topic should be of importance to your audience. If you can show the audience how your topic directly effects them, they will listen!
Establish your Credibility Introduction Establish your Credibility Let the audience know why you are knowledgeable on the subject and the experience you have with the topic.
EXAMPLE OF CREDIBILITY Introduction EXAMPLE OF CREDIBILITY I have gained the knowledge of the basics of rock climbing through the experiences I have attained in the last 10 years of recreational climbing, and currently hold the PA free climbing record in my age group.
Introduction Preview Statement This statement tells the audience what you will talk about in your presentation…but doesn’t give away any of your details.
Introduction Preview Statement Examples GOOD EXAMPLE: Today I will focus on the basics of indoor rock climbing including proper attire, equipment, and local places to try out your skills. BAD EXAMPLE: Today I will talk about rock climbing.
Introduction Thesis Statement Make it audience centered The audience should know the topic, the purpose, and that it’s of interest to them. Reflect a single topic If multiple topics are given, it can be confusing to the audience. It MUST be the last sentence in the introduction
Introduction Thesis Statement Examples GOOD EXAMPLE: By the end of my presentation, you will know the basics of indoor rock climbing and be ready to grapple to new heights in no time. BAD EXAMPLE: Today I will talk about rock climbing.
Are you afraid of heights? Are you a thrill seeker? (Attention Getter) Full Introduction Example Are you afraid of heights? Are you a thrill seeker? (Attention Getter)
Full Introduction Example Well if you are, you may be interested in one of my hobbies… indoor rock climbing. (Relevance)
Full Introduction Example I have gained the knowledge of the basics of rock climbing through the experiences I have attained in the last 10 years of recreational climbing, and currently hold the PA free climbing record in my age group. (Credibility)
Full Introduction Example Today I will focus on the basics of indoor rock climbing including proper attire, equipment, and local places to try out your skills. (Preview)
Full Introduction Example By the end of my presentation, you will know the basics of indoor rock climbing and be ready to grapple your way to new heights in no time. (Thesis)
Overview: Contents of a Speech Introduction Body Conclusions Click on each of the main titles, and follow the links to the slides containing information about the components of a speech.
Body Components Main Points The areas that were previewed in the introduction as the “main” ideas of the speech. *Should begin with topic sentences. *Should give interesting details that keep the audience engaged.
Body Components Guidelines Discuss 2-5 main points throughout the whole speech. Each main point should be explained in detail. Time should be balanced between all of your main points, giving each one equal time. Should incorporate any visual aides during this time.
Body Components Transitions Signal to the audience that one point is ending and another point is beginning. Wrap up one point and introduce the next point- link them together.
GOOD TRANSITION EXAMPLE equipment a person would need to Body Components Transition Examples GOOD TRANSITION EXAMPLE Now that we’ve discussed the proper attire for climbing, let’s focus our attention on the important equipment a person would need to get the job done.
BAD TRANSITION EXAMPLES Body Components Transition Examples BAD TRANSITION EXAMPLES Next we need to discuss equipment. The second main point that I will talk about is equipment.
Body Example To begin indoor rock climbing, a person should be wearing the proper attire. (Main Point Topic sentence) The first part of attire a person should plan to wear is athletic clothes that aren’t too baggy. (Detail 1) Explain shirt and pants and safety concerns dealing with clothing. Overheating Indoor rock climbers should also plan to wear climbing shoes. (Detail 2) Specific shoes designed for indoor climbing Different types Show example of climbing shoes-visual aid The final thing that climbers should plan to do is tie back their hair, if that is an issue for them. (Detail 3) Longer hair Safety issues Now that you’ve learned what to wear to participate in indoor rock climbing, next you’ll need to know about what equipment you’ll need. (Transition)
Overview: Contents of a Speech Introduction Body Conclusions Click on each of the main titles, and follow the links to the slides containing information about the components of a speech.
Conclusion Components Signal the presentation is ending In conclusion… To conclude… Let’s summarized what we’ve learned… In summary…
Conclusion Components Restate the Thesis (in a different order than you did in the beginning)
Conclusion Components Summarize your main points But do so without going into details
Conclusion Components End with a statement that relates back to the introduction
BAD CONCLUSION EXAMPLE Today we discussed rock climbing. Well, that’s it.
BAD CONCLUSION EXAMPLE Today we discussed attire, equipment, and local places to rock climb. Okay, that’s all I have.
BAD CONCLUSION EXAMPLE Today we discussed the basics of rock climbing. Now you can rock climb too.
GOOD CONCLUSION EXAMPLE Let’s think back to the basics of indoor rock climbing that you’ve learned today: We focused on proper attire and equipment and local places where you can try out your skills. (Signal/Review of Main Points) With this knowledge, you should be able to grapple your way to new heights in no time. (Restatement of Thesis) So if you aren’t scared of heights, or are dying to get your adrenaline pumping, perhaps indoor rock climbing is just the thing for you. (Relate back to introduction)