CAO and General Information on Leaving Certificate Miss Mc Ardle Guidance Counsellor
The NQF fan diagram – QQI
What are we hoping to achieve Level 8 Courses – Honours Degree Level 7 Courses – Ordinary Degree Level 6 Courses – Higher Certificate Level 5 Courses – PLC/FETAC courses Apprenticeships – Trades/Specialised courses
C.A.O – Central applications office C.A.O allows us to apply to Universities and/or Institutes of Technologies in Ireland. They do not accept applications for P.L.C or Apprenticeships as these have to be applied for directly to the college or the employer.
Create an account on This needs to be done by Jan 20th You will be given your personal CAO number – ‘the CAO assumes that anyone able to quote your CAO number can access your account’ - be careful who you let see the number – they could change it without you knowing and could mean you miss your college offer.
Application Dates and Fees All fees are Non-Refundable Fee Closing Date Normal application (online or paper) €40 1st February 2017 (5:15 pm) Online discounted rate €25 20th January 2017(5:15 pm) Late online application €50 1st May 2017 (5:15 pm) Late paper application €80 Change of Mind Free 1st May to 1st July 2017 (5:15 pm)
Apply early CAO is open: Make your application as soon as possible It will start making the Leaving Certificate feel real It will allow you to change your preferences It will ensure you don’t have to pay any unnecessary fees It will make things easier
How the Cao works You must have 6 subjects in your Leaving Certificate Be careful Foundation Maths is not counted as one of your 6 subjects You must pass English, Irish, Maths, Modern Language* and your other subjects You must have a recent report if you are exempt from Irish
Minimum entry requirements University Candidates must achieve a pass grade H5 in two higher level subjects and at least a grade H7/O6 in the remaining four subjects Third Language Requirement - You must present with an additional language to English and Irish as one of your six leaving certificate subjects. A number of exceptions to the third language – students applying for nursing do not need a third language. Additionally, students applying for engineering and science in NUIM or UCD do not need a language
Minimum Entry Requirements Institute of Technology 5 O6/H7 at Ordinary level including English or Irish H7 at Higher Level maths, o6/H7 or higher in Ordinary level or a F2 or above in foundation level Be careful, some courses have their own entry requirements – accountancy in an IT requires two higher level subjects at C3 or higher to qualify for a place
Then - For Level 8 Courses – You need 2 H5 and 4 O6/H7 You need 5 O6/H7 For Level 6 Courses –
Language Exemptions Anyone with an Irish/Language exemption must send in a form to NUI declaring this . A copy of your birth cert is required (available from Ms Mc Ardle). Must also inform each college they are applying for and send on the exemption.
The Leaving Cert Points Higher Level Higher Level Maths Ordinary Level H1 (90-100) 100 125 H2 (80 < 90) 88 113 H3 (70 < 80) 77 102 H4 (60 < 70) 66 91 H5 (50 < 60) 56 81 O1 (90-100) H6 (40 < 50) 46 70 O2 (80 < 90) H7 (30 < 40) 37 O3 (70 < 80) H8 (0 < 30) O4 (60 < 70) 28 O5 (50 < 60) 20 O6 (40 < 50) 12 O7 (30 < 40) O8 (0 < 30)
It is the Applicants responsibilities to: Research thoroughly all the courses for which he/she is making application( Be fully aware of all aspects of the application system used(CAO) for the courses. i.e. procedures, dates, fees, rules, etc
Maths – what’s the Point? Maths is a Core subject – basic matriculation requirement (entry requirement) Higher Level Maths offers 25 bonus points for EVERY grade from H6 and above Some courses need Higher Level Maths Many courses accept Ordinary Level Foundation Level Maths meets matriculation for courses in most IT’s. You need to get F2 or higher in Foundation
Course Levels Students can apply for 3 types of courses. These are applied for on 2 separate lists on a single form Level 8 Level 6 & 7 Courses marked as ‘Restricted’ cannot be applied for after Feb 1st. (Due to extra assessments required.) Honours Degrees (8) Up to 10 choices Ordinary Degrees (7) Higher Certificates (6) Up to 10 choices
How the CAO System Works Points are calculated from ONE sitting of the Leaving Certificate only Points total is calculated from SIX best subjects Entry requirements can be satisfied over more than one sitting of the Leaving Certificate
How Places are Allocated When examination results are released in August they are entered into the CAO computer. All eligible applicants are then placed in a list, in order of academic merit, for each course that they applied for. CAO then makes offers to the required number of applicants on each course starting with the applicant with the highest points and working down until enough places have been offered.
Genuine Order of Preference You do not need to guess what the points are going to be for the courses you are interested in. Simply list your courses in genuine order of preference from the highest preference 1, to the lowest preference 10. If you are entitled to an offer, you will be offered the highest preference that you are entitled to.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 So – what is the best way to fill in the courses? Dream Courses Realistic Courses Banker Courses
A Students Course Preferences - Example Points Total = 445 Cut Off Points for Course
4 – 10 will be permanently erased from the application A Students Course Preferences – After Round 1 4 – 10 will be permanently erased from the application Students Points Total= 445 Cut Off Points for Course
All Lower Preference Courses Disappear From Students Preferences
Places Allocation: Level 8 and Level 6/7 offers will be issued independently Only one offer can be accepted This offer will be a place in the highest of your course preferences to which you are entitled. Remember: You can only move up on the list! Students have the option to accept, reject or defer an offer (not guaranteed)
Where do I get information: College prospectus College website – has the most up-to-date information on courses Parents, friends, teachers, guidance counsellor
Higher Education Access Route
ways you can apply to College CAO HEAR DARE TAP Scholarship
What is HEAR? Higher Education Access Route is an admissions route for school leavers who for social, financial or cultural reasons are under- represented at third level education. It was established by 16 colleges and universities to ensure that all Leaving Certificate students have a fair and equal opportunity to progress to third level education.
Participating Institutions Dublin City University Dublin Institute of Technology University College, Cork University College, Dublin University of Limerick NUI Galway NUI Maynooth Trinity College, Dublin Coláiste Mhuire, Marino Institute of Education Church of Ireland, College of Education Mary Immaculate, College of Education Mater Dei Institute of Education National College of Ireland St. Angela’s College, Sligo St. Patrick’s College, Drumcondra Pontifical University, Maynooth Froebel College of Education 34
What HEAR is not HEAR is NOT your SUSI maintenance grant. 35
HEAR is an admissions scheme to help students who may not traditionally go to third level. You must also apply to Student Universal Support Ireland (SUSI) for your higher education maintenance grant.
Why Apply to HEAR? • Reduced points CAO offers in the participating colleges provided you meet the minimum entry requirements. • Post-entry supports such as financial, academic, social and personal. 37
Should I Apply? The 6 indicators 1. Was your household income of on or below €45,790.00 in 2015? 4. Is your parent or guardian’s employment status under-represented in Higher Education? 2. Does your family have a medical card/GP visit card in date for 2016? 5. Have you attended a DEIS school for all of second level? 3. Did your parents/guardian receive a means-tested social welfare payment in 2015? 6. Do you live in an area with high unemployment, poverty and few community facilities? Direct students to page 5 of the workbook for further information on the HEAR income limit. Explain to students that there are 1000s of occupations in Ireland and we code occupations to determine if you meet this indicator. Applicants will not be able to know before coding if their parents occupation will meet this indicator. 38 3.20
You must meet the HEAR income limit & the right combination of 2 other indicators to be eligible 40
I want to apply to HEAR, what’s next? Apply to CAO by 1 February 2017 Fill in your HEAR Application Guide & Workbook with your parents or guardians 3 Complete all elements of HEAR on line application by 1 March 2017 4. Submit copies of supporting documents requested on your checklist to CAO by 1 April 2017 . Form available here 41
(DSP) Social Welfare – Form to be stamped at local office P21 required for 2015 from Revenue
What is DARE? The Disability Access Route to Education (DARE) is a supplementary admissions scheme which offers college places on reduced points to school leavers with disabilities. DARE has been established by a number of higher education institutions as clear evidence shows that disability can have a negative impact on educational attainment at school and progression to higher education. 43
What Colleges Participate? Athlone Institute of Technology Cork Institute of Technology Dublin City University Dublin Institute of Technology Mater Dei, Institute of Education National College of Ireland NUI Galway NUI Maynooth Pontifical University, Maynooth Trinity College, Dublin University College, Cork University College, Dublin University of Limerick 44
Who Should Apply? Applicants whose disability had a significant impact on educational performance in school. Applicants who may not be able to meet the points for their preferred course due to the impact of disability. Applicants under 23 years on 1st January 2017. 45
Disabilities eligible for consideration Asperger’s Syndrome/Autism ADD/ADHD* Blind/Vision Impaired Deaf/Hearing Impaired DCD –Dyspraxia/Dysgraphia* Mental Health Conditions* Neurological Conditions (Brain Injury, Speech & Language Disabilities) Significant Ongoing Illness* (Diabetes, Epilepsy etc) Physical Disability Specific Learning Difficulty* (Dyslexia & Dyscalculia) 46
I want to apply Review DARE Application Guide with your parents or guardians. Apply to CAO by 1 February 2017 . Complete Section A of the Supplementary Info Form and apply to DARE by 1 March 2017. Submit academic reference and evidence of disability to CAO by 1 April 2017. 47
Post-entry supports If you have a disability you can register with the Disability Support Service whether you come through DARE or not. A needs assessment is conducted to identify your specific support requirements. Supports may include: Learning Support Assistive Technology Library Support Exam Support Note-taking/Support Worker Academic Tuition Orientation 48
Programmes There are 2 access courses for young adults: 1. Trinity Access Programmes Foundation Course for Higher Education 2. Liberties College Access Course for Higher Education
How do I apply? Complete the application form. This is available online now. Deadline 7th February Apply on line and answer specific questions on the form ( approx. 30 minutes) Submit any supporting documents about yourself or your parents or guardian that we ask for on the application form. You must give original documents. We will photocopy these and return the originals to you. Give referee forms to two referees. At least one should be a teacher from your school; the other can be a youth leader, voluntary group organiser, employer or coach.
Financial Support information: Department of Education Student Support Unit: Telephone 0506-24381 (Telephone: 0761 08 7874) Guidance. M MC ARDLE St. Kevin’s Community College
Remember Parents and Guardians are partners in the education of their child, and are welcome to make appointments with the Guidance Counsellor to discuss the many options available to their children Remember it is the responsibility of every student to know the important dates and to research the courses and check out eligibility for fees and grants ! Guidance. M MC ARDLE St. Kevin’s Community College
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