World War I: Winning the War


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Presentation transcript:

World War I: Winning the War Mr. Meester World History 11-3

Vocabulary Russian Revolution Unrestricted Submarine Warfare Zimmerman Note Armistice

Poor Russia Of all the major powers in both Alliances Russia was the least prepared for war The Eastern Front had been a disaster They had a huge army, but couldn’t produce enough weapons & supplies Russian soldiers were forced to fight with rakes and broomsticks. Over 2 million Russian soldiers would die & another 6 million were wounded or captured

Russian Revolution The people are starving & demoralized Worker strikes will become common Vladimir Lenin will incite a Communist Revolution against the Czar Czar Nicholas II would soon lose control of his country Russia drops out of WWI

Germany’s Big Gamble With Russia out of the war there is no more two front war The Germans decided to stage a massive attack on the Western Front Germany came within 50 miles of capturing Paris Fresh allied troops defeated Germany at the 2nd Battle of the Marne.

U.S. Entry in the War The U.S. had tried to stay neutral and out of what was seen as a European war 2 things changed America’s mind Unrestricted Submarine Warfare The Zimmerman Note

Unrestricted Submarine Warfare Germany used unrestricted submarine warfare to blockade England Germany attacked any ship they saw One of the ships they sunk, the Lusitania, contained 128 Americans Public support in favor of the war greatly increased after the attack

The Lusitania

U.S. Declares War The Zimmerman Note A secret communication between Germany & Mexico, intercepted by the British Germany offered to help Mexico reclaim territory In response the U.S. joined the Allied Powers Declares war on the Central Powers America brought 2 million fresh troops and even more importantly much needed money and supplies. The war is over!!!

The War Ends Germany, fearing the end was near, revolted in many ways The War of Attrition was over the U.S. & Allies had more total resources An Armistice is agreed to on 11/11/1918 An agreement to end the fighting German message to troops, “All Quiet on the Western Front”

Recap Fall of Russia German Offensive US entry in the War Problems facing Russia The Russian Revolution German Offensive US entry in the War Unrestricted Submarine Warfare Zimmerman Note Effect on the War The Armistice