By: Cassidy Anderson & Emily Andrijowych Elizabethan weddings By: Cassidy Anderson & Emily Andrijowych
Wedding customs Elizabethan Wedding Customs -Women’s weddings were the most important days of their life -Marriages arranged for upper class -Many met for the first time that day -Arranged by wealth -Example: King Henry 8th and Anne of Cleves #1
Life in Elizabethan England Wedding Customs -Bride was not expected to wear a white dress -White was not popular until 19th century -Normally wore brownish-pink shade -If wealthy, women normally got a ring with a poem engraved inside
marriage Rules with parents permissions girls can marry at 12 & boys 14 common age: men 25/26 women 23 generally don’t live together as man and wife bride lives with grooms family to learn duties
marriage contract commitment begins with betrothal seals contract with a kiss and signatures breaks marriage without good; has to give back gifts
changing name how it works Bride takes husband’s family name still known by occupation or surname also might be known as husbands first and last name
The Wedding Decorations bridesmaids in charge of gifts for guests garland; rosemary and roses garland is carried until after ceremony then wore on head father or the bride pays for everything ribbon, gloves & scarves ; gifts
Wives Widows can own property & run a business entitled to ⅓ of husbands estates considered a good idea to re marry
Bibliography "Renaissance, The Elizabethan World - Life in Tudor England." Renaissance, The Elizabethan World - Life in Tudor England. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Feb. 2016. "William Shakespeare." WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Feb. 2016 "Elizabeth's London." Google Books. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Feb. 2016.