NORES Supporting Catholic Education and Formation This PowerPoint is designed to explore the Beatitudes in a whole school assembly. Top and tail this PowerPoint with your own way of introducing / closing an assembly Eg. Sign of the Cross Song Prayer School Prayer Sending forth Take as much or as little detail, from the slides and notes, appropriate to your setting MAKE IT YOUR OWN! NORES Supporting Catholic Education and Formation NORES is the Office for Religious Education, Evangelisation, Catechesis and Schools in the Diocese of Northampton. Registered Charity: 234091
What is happiness?
Happiness is when my baby brother was born. Happiness is when you love someone. Happiness is my family going on holiday to the seaside. Happiness is Manchester United winning the cup. Happiness is my birthday party. Happiness is eating roast chicken. Happiness is my dad’s new job. By Keiran (Age 9) Some thoughts on happiness from other children
Happiness is…… Happiness is eating ice cream on a hot day. Happiness is swimming in the sea. Happiness is my dad’s new car. Happiness is a new CD. Happiness is winning a race on sports day. Happiness is my new red dress. By Tess (Age 7)
A reading from the gospel according to Matthew
Happy are those who know they don’t deserve to be God’s friends It is so easy to do wrong things. Then we feel sad and ashamed. But God forgives us every time. We are welcome in God’s family just as we wre. Happy are those who know they don’t deserve to be God’s friends
Let us pray Dear God I know I sometimes do wrong things. I am sorry. Amen
Happy are those who feel so sad they want to cry and cry Sometimes it seems that everything has gone wrong and nothing can make it right. But God is with us and God will comfort us Happy are those who feel so sad they want to cry and cry
Let us pray Dear God Thank you for always being with me Amen
Happy are those who don’t push to get their own way Sometimes its hard to put other people first. But God notices when we put others first. God promises to give us good things. Happy are those who don’t push to get their own way
Let us pray Dear God Help me to put other people first. Amen
Happy are those who long to do what God wants There are so many things to do. But whatever it is that we do we can do it in a kind and loving way. We can be like Jesus. Happy are those who long to do what God wants
Let us pray Dear God Help me to be the best person I can be. Amen
Happy are those who forgive others It can be hard to forgive others but it feels great to be forgiven. But God always forgives us Happy are those who forgive others
Let us pray Dear God Thank you for always forgiving me. Help me to make a fresh start. Amen
Happy are those who love what is good and right How good it feels to do the right thing. God is good and each time we chose good we become more like God Happy are those who love what is good and right
Let us pray Dear God Help me to chose the right thing to do to make good choices. Amen
Happy are those who work for peace When will fighting ever stop? Working for peace begins with me and my friends and family Happy are those who work for peace
Let us pray Dear God Help us all to work for peace at home and at school. Amen
Happy are those who suffer hard times because they do what God wants Have you ever tried to be kind to someone and they have hurt you? God is with you. You are not alone. Happy are those who suffer hard times because they do what God wants
Let us pray Dear God I want to be your friend Help me to do what you want me to do. Amen
Happy are you when people tease you and tell lies about you Its not nice being teased. God sees everything and one day God will put everything right. Happy are you when people tease you and tell lies about you because you are a friend of Jesus
Let us pray Dear God Thank you for all the good things you have given me. Amen
Love your enemies. Do good to those who hurt you. God made the sun and the rain and God gives these good things to everyone – good and bad alike. And those who want to live as God’s friends are asked to to good and kind things to everyone – good and bad alike. Love your enemies. Do good to those who hurt you.
Let us pray Dear God Show me the way that leads to happiness. Amen
What can I do today to bring happiness to my friends and family? Sending forth: Print this slide onto A4 or A5 and give them out, one for each class, to take back to the classroom and place on the prayer table.