United Methodist Men Prayer advocates 2014 The Upper Room Living Prayer Center Report
Our Prayer Line High traffic times: 7-10 AM and 6-8 PM Phone calls from all 50 states, Puerto Rico, Canada and the Caribbean Callers are faithful. Many are calling several times a week.
Our Prayer Line A vital ministry High level of personal contact – praying with people by name and need Reach – 270,000 plus per year Connection to a trusted friend – The Upper Room Committed and trained volunteers Only prayer ministry that facilitates local church prayer ministries
Prayer Line Calls Jan – Dec 2014 : 231,287 total prayers received and prayed for.
Our Webpage You can post a private or public prayer New interactive Prayer Wall Coming How to setup Prayer Rooms 7,945 average monthly visitors 45 % arrived from search engines
2014 Total Prayers Received +2,400 by mail +39,593 posted on website +231,287 by phone = 273,580 total prayers received
Prayer by Category or Type 32 Categories or types of prayers General Prayer: 22,208 Physical Healing: 5,949 Financial: 2,409 Emotional Healing: 2,025 Peace Family: 1,536 Job: 1,238
Areas of Improvement… Provide personal follow-up with those who want to stay connected with us (Emails) Create more ways to receive prayer requests – (Prayer APP & Prayer Wall) Make a stronger connection with other Upper Room programs and other agencies Increase awareness and promotions of our prayer ministry Increase # of volunteers and training opportunities (New online Training) We need inspiring stories or testimonies about prayer partners or answered prayers We Need Your Help Create a higher level of awareness about our prayer ministry New Webpage on How to Setup Prayer Rooms
Recounting our Accomplishments 273,580 prayer requests received and prayed for name and need. Facebook account: Living Prayer Center over 2,072 followers New Twitter account: @ UpperRoomLPC New Instagram account: Living Prayer Center Over 500 trained prayer volunteers are serving 389 email prayer partners around the world UR Management commitment to invest in new technology and processes UMM commitment to help beyond our prayer line
How you can help Continue to grow with us as we make plans for the future. Your partnership and commitment are invaluable. Tell the story about the Prayer Center and why you are involved. Send us your stories. Recruit, train, and encourage new volunteers. Encourage others to use the Prayer Line – call us or visit us online. Submit prayer request. Pray and reply to the requests posted on our Prayer Wall.
2014 Gifts $20,980.00
For more information contact Migdiel E. Pérez, Manager The Upper Room Living Prayer Center P. O. Box 340004 Nashville TN 37203-0004 Toll-free 877-899-2780 ext. 7215 E-mail: mperez@upperroom.org
T H A N K Y O U!
Alabama/West Florida Conference Top Donor 2014 For the third year in a row Alabama/West Florida Conference $3,215.00