MATTHEW 11:28 "Come to me, all of you who are weary and loaded down with burdens, and I will give you rest”. International Standard Version
LIFE WHEEL Balancing the segments of your life: Physical environment Career Money Health Family & friends Significant others Personal growth & contribution Fun and recreation
Important words Equilibrium Harmony Peace Contentment Pace Time management Pressure Stress Control
Health impact of an unbalanced and stressed lifestyle Adrenal Fatigue Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Sluggish immune system Mental Illness Thyroid issues High blood pressure over time can lead to: Hardened arteries Stroke, Heart attack, and death
P.E.A.C.E P.E.A.C.E.- a recipe for tranquil moments of reflection. (Pause – Platt-McDonald & Boldeau 2006) P - Pause E - Environment A - Attitude C - Calm E - Exercise
PAUSE P – Pause. Stop and be still. Delight in the fact that you choose to ‘be’ rather than ‘do’ at this moment. Don’t feel guilty about this time of seeming inactivity. Just enjoy it. Learn to relax – it eases tension. Think of this time as renewal where your energies are being replenished and you gain new strength to go again. Diary ‘me time’ into your schedule on a weekly basis
ENVIRONMENT E - Environment Retire to a treasured spot where you can easily unwind. Ensure that the lighting, the temperature and the furniture is comfortable and enhances a relaxing and reflective mood. Make this your personal area, a safe haven of retreat. You may wish to choose some appropriate music which adds to the ambience and aids your restful mode.
ATTITUDE A – Attitude. Detox your mind. Getting rid of negative thoughts helps you to think more clearly and enhances general wellbeing. With a positive mindset you can face life with all its challenges, conquer the past with its disappointments and embrace the future with hope. Encourage yourself and others. It lifts your mood and reminds you of what is possible
CALM C – Calm - The ability to bring body, mind and spirit into a state of rest. Prayer is a powerful exercise which releases the pressure and allows you to express hopes, hurts and joys. It enables you to connect with God, reflect and pace your thinking as you gain strength and wisdom to continue the journey of life. Contemplate on beauty in nature, listen to relaxing music, read something interesting. Try a soothing herbal tea like camomile known for its calming properties to relax the nerves and induce sleep.
EXERCISE E – Exercise. Engage in regular exercise; it’s a great stress buster. Exercise improves the circulation, boosts immunity and maintains good health both mentally and physically. It also enhances rest which is crutial for good mental health.
BALANCING LIFE FOR OPTIMAL HEALTH Using the hand out, each day / week select one of action points in each of the four sections. This will help to assist you in enhancing your emotional, spiritual, physical and social wellbeing. Get your prayer partner / friend / spouse / buddy to support you with this or even undertake it with you.
EMOTIONAL BALANCE ACTION: Ask God for wisdom to balance each aspect of your life Pray for a positive mindset Learn how to manage stress Asses your thinking (cognitive restructuring) Schedule ‘me’ time OUTCOME: Emotional resilience Decreased stress & irritability Mental clarity and alertness Positive thinking and outlook
SPIRITUAL STRENGTH ACTION: Begin and end the day with God in prayer and devotion Memorise promise scriptures and repeat them throughout the day Pray for strength to face each day Pray for a forgiving spirit OUTCOME: Increased faith in God A sense of peace in times of trouble Hope in spite of present challenges Reliance on God and less on self Acceptance of God’s will Able to forgive readily and move on in life
PHYSICAL WELLBEING ACTION: Ask God for the power of self control Eating wholesome food daily Regular exercise / activity most days Ensure adequate daily sleep 8 hours Schedule some quiet time daily De-clutter – get rid of unnecessary or excess items Ensure a relaxing environment OUTCOME: Loss of ‘extra’ inches and pounds Reduced /eliminated food cravings Increased immune system function Increased energy and zest for life Body in balance Improved overall health and longevity
SOCIAL CONNECTEDNESS ACTION: Associate with a significant other - prayer partner / mentor / buddy Participate in a nurturing ministry or others groups for support Schedule special time for family and friends Enjoy fun and relaxing activities / hobbies Have one evening a week where you do something enjoyable (eg family time etc) OUTCOME: Good social support A sense of belonging and value A network of individuals adding diversity and inspiration to your life
THE PRESCRIPTION “Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.” Message: Mathew 11:28-30
DIVINE HEALER “Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.” Message: Mathew 11:28-30