SAFELY Orderly And Respectfully S.O.A.R. Be at the bus stop 5 minutes before the bus arrives, waiting in a safe place, clear of traffic and 12 feet from where the bus stops. Cross the road/street in front of the bus (NEVER BEHIND the BUS). Look for a hand-signal from the driver before crossing the road/street. Look in both directions (left, right, left) for traffic. If you drop something outside the bus, STOP!!! signal the driver with a waving motion, wait for the driver to give you a signal before picking up the object. Remain properly seated, back against back of seat, bottom against bottom of seat. Never throw objects out of the bus window and keep heads/arms/hands inside the bus at all times. Never throw objects on the inside of the bus at the driver or other passengers. Be totally SILENT at ALL railroad crossings. Bibb County Schools Transportation Department SOAR to School: Safely, Orderly, And Respectfully! Orderly Wait in an orderly manner and avoid playing. Go directly to assigned seat. Please use the handrail when entering & exiting the bus. Keep the aisles and exits clear. S.O.A.R. Safely, Orderly, and Respectfully Choose to SOAR And Bibb County Respectfully Follow directions of the driver. Keeps hands, feet, and things to yourself. Refrain from using loud voices (use your inside voices), profanity, and /or obscene gestures. Please help keep the inside of your bus clean and in good, safe condition. Choose to SOAR
Safely Orderly and Respectfully Bibb County Schools Transportation Department SOAR to School: Safely, Orderly, And Respectfully! Safely Orderly and Respectfully S.O.A.R. Safely, Orderly, And Respectfully S.O.A.R Safely, Orderly, And Respectfully Bibb County Bibb County Choose to SOAR Choose to SOAR LOADING Arrive at your bus stop 5 minutes before you school bus is scheduled to arrive. Stay 6 giant steps or 12 feet away from the school bus until the bus has come to a complete stop. Line up single file and stay on the path directly in front of the open door with NO pushing and shoving. If you must cross the road watch for the driver’s signal and look for traffic left and right before you move to load the bus. Use the safety handrail when entering the bus. Go directly to your seat. NEVER go behind a school bus. NEVER go near the wheels or bumpers of a school bus. NEVER EVER, chase a school bus if you missed it. Return home and have someone take you to school. Stay alert for Danger. Remember if you hear the horn it is a warning signal for Danger! RIDING Follow the directions of the school bus driver and school bus monitor. Stay seated at ALL TIMES, back against back of seat and bottom against bottom of seat. NEVER get up and move around while the school bus is in motion. Keep your hands, feet, and things to yourself. Use your inside voice. Refrain from using loud noises, profanity and obscene gestures. NEVER THROW ANY OBJECTS OUT OF THE SCHOOL BUS WINDOW!!! EXITING Stay seated until the bus comes to a complete stop before standing . Stop at bottom step and check for traffic, look left then right, before stepping off the bus. Use the safety handrail when exiting the bus. Stay on the path directly in front of the open door. Walk 12 feet or 6 giant steps away from the bus. If you must cross the road stop at the end of the safety stop arm and watch for the driver’s hand signal. When the driver signals step to front of the bus, making sure you stand far enough out for the bus driver to see you and when the bus driver signals, check traffic looking left, right, left and then proceed across the street until you are at least 12 feet away from the school bus. Remember if you hear the horn, it is a warning signal for DANGER! NEVER EVER cross behind the bus! NEVER run back to the bus if you drop something! If you drop something, STOP get the driver’s attention by waving your hands in the air and wait for his instruction. Never stop to check the mail or retrieve the trash can as you exit the bus. Avoid the DANGER ZONE of the school bus.