Bell Work (9/14) Watch the video “The Miniature Earth” and write down anything that you find interesting from the video
Population concentrations and densities Objective: Explain where the world’s population is distributed and why it is distributed in those regions.
How much would you get if we divided it by population?
How much would you get if we divided it by Gross National Income?
Is this fair? How are you going to divide it up within your region? How can you get more of the cookie?
Where are the largest concentrations found? What conclusions can you draw regarding: East Asia South Asia Europe North America
A World Population Cartogram Check out this link!
What patterns do you see? What connections might exist with the physical geography in: East Asia South Asia Europe North America Africa
Ecumene: portion of Earth occupied by permanent human settlement Is the Earth able to support all the people? Has it always been this way? Ecumene: portion of Earth occupied by permanent human settlement
Note the difference from map to map. What do you start to see more of?
Where don’t people live and why? Too Dry Too Wet Too Cold Too High Why has this changed over time?
How can quality of life be affected by population? Population Density – Arithmetic Density Location Total Land Area in Square Miles Population Arithmetic Population Density A 2,941,283 19,913,144 6.8 B 3,537,418 293,027,571 83 C 144,689 127,333,002 880 D 55,593 12, 901,563 232
What if you were on a subway in each city? Hamburg, Germany= 2.8 per square meter New York, USA = 3.4 per square meter London, England = 5.5 per square meter Paris, France = 6.4 per square meter Tokyo, Japan = 9.0 per square meter Japanese Train Pushers:
But you can’t live on all types of land… Physiological Population Density Location Total Land Area in Square Miles Percentage of Arable Land Arable Land in Square Miles Physiological Population Density Australia 2,941,283 6.55% 192,654 103 USA 3,537,418 19.13% 676,708 433 Japan 144,689 12.19% 17,638 7,219
Physiological Density Sq KM Agricultural Density Sq KM What if physiological pop density is similar? Does that mean countries are? Agricultural Density: # of Farmers to arable land Location Arithmetic Density Sq KM Physiological Density Sq KM Agricultural Density Sq KM % Farmers % Arable USA 31 172 2 1 19 Japan 338 2,907 145 5 12 Netherlands 400 1,798 72 4 27 India 350 699 419 60 56 Bangladesh 1050 1,838 1,158 63 67
NIGHTFALL IN BRAZIL Brazilian Continental Platform. Atlantic Ocean Salvador Rio de Janeiro Grande São Paulo
Still daylight in California. Chicago The biggest concentration of lights (from top to bottom) are the cities of Boston, New York, Philadelphia and Washington. Dallas Puerto Rico Houston Miami