Welcome to Sophomore English! Lauren McNeil, D-10 University of California, Santa Barbara B.A. in English with Honors, minor in Spanish M.A.Ed. & teaching credential in English San Jose State University Mom to super cute 22-month-old son Declan! 11th year at FHS Pleased and honored to be working with your students this year!
Open Lines of Communication Email: lmcneil@pleasantonusd.net Preferred contact method Phone: (925) 461-6600 ext. 5810 Website (calendar, notes, handouts, reading recommendations, suggested course materials, classroom wish list, etc.) Accessible through FHS website Conferences by appointment Office Hours 5th period For academic questions/concerns, student-teacher contact prior to parent-teacher contact; student support available by appointment
Curriculum Common Core/Standards-aligned SAT/contextual vocabulary quizzes & SSR (Sustained, Silent Reading of self-selected, parent-approved books) on Fridays New “consumable” textbooks!
Planned Texts William Shakespeare’s play The Tragedy of Julius Caesar Elie Wiesel’s novel Night Harper Lee’s novel To Kill a Mockingbird Recommended: students purchase their own copies of texts for note-taking No Fear Shakespeare
English Department Common Agreements Standard grading scale: A=90% and above, B=80-89.9%, C =70-79.9%, D=60-69.9%, F=below 60% No rounding up One day per excused absence to make up work No extra credit assignments No bell curve grading No points for non-academics Major pre-announced assignments (e.g. projects) accepted late To pass: submit all major writing assignments Standards-based, weighted grading system: Listening, Speaking, & Participation=20% Reading=35% Writing=45%
More on Grading & Assessment Writing Primary focus Writing tools, essay structure, & critical thinking Appropriate help that develops writing skills (students are encouraged to get free help from me!) In addition to hard copy submissions, turnitin.com final draft electronic soft copy submissions Frequent participation Tally of participation vs. average Q: online grades Missing “red” assignments that are blank (not scored) in the grade book are excused or have yet to be entered and do not affect the overall grade Zeroes in grade book until work made up for excused absences
Additional Policies Appointments for quiz/test make-ups upon the day of return from excused absence; make ups within one week’s time Major assignments due by pre-announced deadline even if excused absence Technological excuses are not acceptable for late work No credit for work missed due to unexcused absences No late work accepted Exception: major pre-announced assignments 50% point deduction for each day late FHS policies/rules—including those regarding tardies & cuts, cell phones, academic integrity, & behavior—enforced
How You Can Help Time management (see website calendar) Click “refresh” each time to ensure an updated version of the calendar Excusing absences within 72 hours Assignment/grades review Quiz/test prep, e.g. flashcard practice Writing skills, e.g. proctor timed essays for practice Organization Encourage student-teacher communication Donations (greatly appreciated!) Classroom supplies wish list (amazon.com wish list) English Department donation page for voluntary donations to help procure novels Thank you for attending! I look forward to a great year with your student!