“Christianity, Sexuality, & the Elections” Today’s Speaker: Dave Brown “Christianity, Sexuality, & the Elections”
DR. TONY EVANS “What To Do When A Country Is In A Crisis”
DR. TONY EVANS “What To Do When A Country Is In A Crisis” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UOrlK8_5O3U
Mid-Atlantic Men’s Conference Saturday November 12, 2016 8:30 am – 3:00 pm Christian Fellowship Church – Ashburn VA Dr. Russell Moore Pres, ERLC Nashville TN Dr. Eric Mason Sr. Pastor, Epiphany Fellowship, Philly PA KEYNOTERS ► Nine Different Breakout Sessions ► Tributes to Veterans and Police ► Worship led by Iron Men Praise Band All Men, All Ages, All Churches Registration – wacmm.org
Table Discussion: What did you hear that was new, different or difficult? How have you seen the discussion of sexuality change in your lifetime? What are some of the things we believe as Christians that sound weird or strange to the culture? Why so? Does the election have you more worried or troubled about the future of the country or the future of the church?