Designing, Implementing and Funding a Family Stability Program
Siemer Institute for Family Stability Stable Homes. Stable Families. Successful Students. Work began in 2003. Launched institute in 2011. Currently in 53 cities in 30 states. Measurement: Housing Stability, Financial Stability and Educational Stability.
Partner Communities
Rebecca Carter Associate Director - Community Impact United Way of Metropolitan Nashville
Shannon Reed Income Portfolio Manager United Way of Greater Milwaukee & Waukesha County
Angie McAllister Associate Vice President & Senior Program Manager United Way of Central Maryland
Family Stability Homelessness Prevention Program The goals of this program are to help families stay housed, to support families so their children can remain in their current schools and to provide families with additional tools to maintain self-sufficiency [defined as the ability to meet basic needs without accessing the emergency safety net system (e.g. emergency food pantries, eviction prevention funds, etc.) and having the skills to live within their means]. Family is referred and agrees to enroll in the program Program Entry Family receives "intensive case management" for 6-9 months During Program Family transitions to "aftercare status" for up to 3 months Family successfully exits the program Exit Check-in with family post program completion Follow-Up
Family Stability Homelessness Prevention Program TERMS: Intensive Case Management: The case manager connects the client to community resources that are appropriate to address the client’s most pressing needs. This includes developing a Family Goal Plan with the client and keeping the plan up-to-date and active while the client is participating in the program. The case manager has consistent contact with the family 3-5 times per month, 2 of which should be face to face contacts. Aftercare Status: Begins when the intensive case management services are no longer needed. The family is still engaged in the program but contact with the case manager is less frequent, only 1-2 times per month. Follow-up: The family has successfully exited/completed the program and the case manager checks in with the family at 6 months and at 12 months after their successful program completion. Is the family still housed at 6 months post program completion? At 12 months? Are they still meeting their budget goals?
Siemer Institute for Family Stability Rob Podlogar National Director Siemer Institute for Family Stability