“There was never a point where I was not learning or having fun “There was never a point where I was not learning or having fun. I think that every teenager should have the chance to experience this!” -Chloe Fuchs, Reform Temple of Forest Hills, Forest Hills, NY
What are the Bernard and Audre Rapoport L'Taken Social Justice Seminars…
Intensive four-day study kallot in Washington, DC, focusing on Jewish values and social justice…
…where students learn to connect Jewish values to legislative issues including… Immigration Criminal Justice Climate Justice LGBT Rights Torture & Indefinite Detention Church and State Disability Rights Voting Rights Stem Cell Research Economic Justice Reproductive Rights Malaria
And advocate for them on Capitol Hill
During the 2015-2016 L’Taken season there were… L’Taken By The Numbers During the 2015-2016 L’Taken season there were… 403 Hill Visits 162Districts Represented 32 States Represented 163 Congregations
And 2,000 Participants
The Jewish Education Service of North America (JESNA) While seminar participation supports participants’sense of Jewish identity, the primary value that is added in these seminars lies in its power to educate teens to activism in the spirit of L’Taken olam b’malchut Shaddai (repair of the world under the realm of the eternal). ” -Report by The Jewish Education Service of North America (JESNA)
Creating a Shabbat community with hundreds of Jewish teens Praying Together Creating a Shabbat community with hundreds of Jewish teens Celebrating Havdalah at the Jefferson Memorial
Kessef Koach and Politica Our energetic simulation that teaches about the role of money in advocacy and explores both sides of a controversial issue Recent issues included: Renewable Energy Standards Gun Violence Prevention Universal Health Insurance
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Visiting Washington Students explore a number of Washington DC’s treasures, including… Historic Georgetown United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
The Air and Space Museum Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Pentagon Row, Arlington
Faces of Homelessness Students meet with people who previously experienced homelessness, learn about their lives and how public policy choices affect them. *A program presented by the National Coalition for the Homeless
Connecting to, and Advocating For, Israel And share their views on the current conflict Students learn about the history and current political situation in Israel
Lobby Preparation Students work with the Legislative Assistants to prepare for Congressional Meetings
Capitol Hill Students travel to the Hill to speak on issues that are important to them
-Sam Finder, The Temple Ohabai Sholom, Nashville, TN “The Legislative Assistants made it so easy to find an issue we cared about and then really encouraged us to do our best when putting together our experiences.” -Sam Finder, The Temple Ohabai Sholom, Nashville, TN
What Do Students Gain From These Seminars?
Friendship “I have never been to a retreat or conference where I have been so different yet so like the other teenagers here. Everyone is so outgoing and introduces themselves to everyone they see.” -Allison Weisman, Minneapolis, MN
Confidence and Maturity “I am very proud of our students—of the way that they handled themselves throughout the weekend. They studied the issue, wrote compelling presentations and maturely addressed the aides in our Senators’ and Congressman’s offices.” -Rabbi Jessica Locketz, Temple Emanuel of South Hills Pittsburgh, PA
Activism and Social Consciousness
Jewish Identity “I became a part of the Jewish community that weekend. Whether it was the chicken, the friends, the senators, or the research; I had come to realize the reason for religion in the world. “ -Lauren Schein, Leo Baeck Temple Los Angeles CA (Published in The Tribe)
The Jewish Education Service of North America (JESNA) “While short-term programs often effect changes in knowledge or attitudes, it is rare for a program to change behaviors. The L’Taken seminar… accomplishes both. This is a noteworthy and commendable accomplishment.” -Report by The Jewish Education Service of North America (JESNA)
-Zachary Grossman, Reform Temple of Forest Hills, “I learned about the environment…LGBT rights and much more. I can take back my knowledge and teach my friends about the issues.” -Zachary Grossman, Reform Temple of Forest Hills, Forest Hills, NY
A Special Thanks To All Who Make These Weekends Possible: Bernard and Audre Rapoport The Gus and Barbara Kuhn Fund The Righteous Persons Foundation The Jacob and Hilda Blaustein Foundation