E. M. Eid, K. H. Shaltout, Y. M. Al-Sodany & Kai Jensen Effects of abiotic conditions on Phragmites australis along geographic gradients in Lake Burullus, Egypt by E. M. Eid, K. H. Shaltout, Y. M. Al-Sodany & Kai Jensen Aquatic Botany 92 (2010): 86-92
Phragmites australis in Lake Burullus Introduction Study area Methods Results Conclusions Recommendations Phragmites australis in Lake Burullus 1- Food for animals like cattle and sheep during early growth stages. 2- Important refuge for wildlife (its vegetative parts provide shade, shelter and food for fish). 3- Stems used as building material for houses and matting. 4- Phytoremediation & carbon sequestration.
Map of Lake Burullus indicating the location of the 8 sampling sites Introduction Study area Methods Results Conclusions Recommendations Map of Lake Burullus indicating the location of the 8 sampling sites
Introduction Study area Aims Results Conclusions Recommendations Our hypotheses are: Water characteristics vary along the geographic north-south and east-west transects in Burullus coastal lagoon, Morphology and biomass of P. australis vary between young and old stands and between different locations along the north-south and east-west transects.
Introduction Study area Methods Results Conclusions Recommendations Experimental Design Eight sites were selected to represent north- south gradient in the eastern, middle and western basins. Six randomly distributed quadrates (0.5 x 0.5 m) per site to represent old and young stands. Monthly measurements of Shoot density, Shoot height, Stem diameter, Leaf area, Number of leaves, Shoot dry weight, Total above-ground biomass. March – November 2003. Water measurements: pH, Salinity, TN, TP, Na, K, Ca, Mg, Water level, Transparency.
Introduction Study area Methods Results Conclusions Recommendations Data Analysis The relationships between density and the morphological parameters (height, diameter, number of leaves, leaf area) were assessed using ANOVAs. Effects of variation in salinity and fertility along the E-W and N-S transect on the morphological parameters and biomass (shoot dry weight, total above-ground biomass) over time were assessed using repeated measurement ANOVAs. The significance of variation in water quality parameters along the north-south and east-west transects was assessed using two separate one-way ANOVAs.
Water Characters Water depth (cm) 86.2 65.3 59.4 15.4*** EC (mS cm-1) Introduction Study area Methods Results Conclusions Recommendations Sediment characters Water Characters Characters Site F-value East-West axis North-South axis E-W axis N-S axis East Middle West North South General characters Water temperature (oC) 23.4 24.0 23.1 23.6 23.7 0.3ns 0.0ns Water depth (cm) 62.9 74.0 78.3 86.2 65.3 59.4 2.6ns 15.4*** Transparency (%) 54.4 45.0 65.6 63.0 36.4 55.9 4.1* 9.0*** pH 8.66 8.81 8.65 8.64 8.85 8.70 2.0ns 3.3* EC (mS cm-1) 11.7 6.6 5.7 8.5 8.1 8.3 12.4*** Macro-elements N 331.3 239.3 160.5 207.3 276.3 286.1 1.7ns 3.5* P 30.3 135.5 69.3 112.9 106.4 0.9ns 5.7** Cations Ca mg l-1 478.9 488.1 434.1 434.5 463.2 513.1 0.1ns 2.3ns Mg 213.8 134.5 110.7 157.3 199.5 131.8 9.1*** 4.9** Na 1490.7 935.0 620.1 989.3 1047.7 1151.4 25.9*** 0.8ns K 37.4 18.8 9.8 22.0 21.7 26.3 25.4*** 0.6ns
Morphology and Biomass Introduction Study area Methods Results Conclusions Recommendations Sediment characters Morphology and Biomass Effect Height Diameter Number of Leaves Leaf area Density Shoot dry weight Standing-crop ANOVA I Basin 0.1ns 6.4* 0.6ns 15.1** 2.1ns 1.1ns Site 29.7*** 81.3*** 0.8ns 12.7** 257.7*** 94.8*** 0.4ns Age 503.8*** 390.7*** 102.1*** 40.9*** 73.6*** 976.6*** 515.3*** Basin*Site 8.7*** 27.7*** 1.4ns 164.4*** 13.7*** 4.1* Basin*Age 1.2ns 3.7ns 3.2ns 0.2ns 21.8*** 6.8* 19.0*** Site*Age 0.5ns 5.1** 0.3ns 2.8ns 20.9*** 8.3** Basin*Site*Age 3.6* 1.9ns 6.0* 5.8* 18.4*** ANOVA II 1.8ns 6.3** 1.0ns 7.9** 1.7ns 9.6** 29.3*** 0.9ns 17.3*** 48.9*** 8.4* 3.5* 13.8***
Introduction Study area Methods Results Conclusions Recommendations Shoot Height (cm) E: eastern basin, N: north site, S: south site, M: middle basin, W: western basin
Shoot Density (tiller m-2) Introduction Study area Methods Results Conclusions Recommendations Sediment characters Shoot Density (tiller m-2) E: eastern basin, N: north site, S: south site, M: middle basin, W: western basin
Standing Crop (kg DW m-2) Introduction Study area Methods Results Conclusions Recommendations Sediment characters Standing Crop (kg DW m-2) E: eastern basin, N: north site, S: south site, M: middle basin, W: western basin
Relation between shoot density, height, diameter and leaf number Introduction Study area Methods Results Conclusions Recommendations Sediment characters Relation between shoot density, height, diameter and leaf number
Multiple Regression (R2) Introduction Study area Methods Results Conclusions Recommendations Sediment characters Multiple Regression (R2)
Introduction Study area Methods Results Conclusions Recommendations Conclusions 1- All morphological and biomass variables of Phragmites were significantly different between young and old populations. 2- Water characters (water depth, transparency, EC and P) significantly affect the morphology and biomass of Phragmites. 3- Shoot height, diameter and shoot dry weight of young and old populations increased from north to south, while shoot density decreased. 4- Shoot diameter of old populations in the north sites increased significantly along the east-west gradient, while shoot density decreased significantly along the same gradient.
Introduction Study area Methods Results Conclusions Recommendations Recommendations 1- Further studies on genetically bases are urgently needed to verify the two morphotypes of Phragmites population differentiated in the present study. 2- Severe human impacts should be stopped, particularly discharge of fish farming, agricultural, industrial and domestic solid and liquid wastes.
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