Fair Scheduling policy provides low-wage workers advanced notice of schedule changes, such as a 24 or 48 hour notice period. If a worker cannot accommodate a last minute schedule change, the law protects that worker from loosing their job or being reprimanded. Low-wage workers often see their paycheck fluctuate in amount month-to-month, and have a hard time managing childcare and family responsibilities because they have no predictability in their work schedule.
Some employers, a minority of businesses, provide fair scheduling practices for their employees; however, 30% of workers across the country have schedules that change weekly effecting quality of life and monthly income. (Boston Globe) In 2015, the city of San Francisco established a Retail Workers Bill of Rights, which protects low-wage hourly workers from sporadic scheduling, being limited to part-time status, and abusive on-call scheduling changes.
Sporadic schedules and exploitative on-call environments destabilize workers family responsibilities and quality-of-life. Workers are unable to plan for childcare and other responsibilities. Employers today are able to manipulate workers weekly schedules to keep them “part-time”, although they were hired with the expectation of full time work. This allows employers to deny benefits and/or overtime pay to workers who should qualify for them. Sporadic, unpredictable scheduling means workers can see their paycheck drastically change from week to week. Imagine trying to plan for childcare and things such as rent under these circumstances. This makes building savings virtually impossible for working families.
Spread the word about Fair Scheduling Practices and encourage friends and families to ask businesses and politicians to provide them and make good policy. Join organizations like Fair Shot to organize communities and advocate for Fair Scheduling in Massachusetts. Share personal stories and experiences through social media and op-ed writing in local papers.
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