SUSTAINABLE RETURN AND REINTEGRATION OF THE CITIZENS OF ARMENIA GAGIK YEGANYAN Head of the State Migration Service RA Ministry of Territorial Administration Brussels, 2012 State Migration Service RA Ministry of Territorial Administration
ARMENIAN STATE POLICY ON RETURN AND REINTGRATION Legal acts defining the State Policy Concept Paper on the Policy for the State Regulation of Migration in the Republic of Armenia (approved by the RA Government Protocol Decision N51 dated 30 December, 2010 ) 2012-2016 National Action Plan for Implementation of the Policy Concept for the State Regulation of Migration in the Republic of Armenia in (approved by the RA Government Decision N 1593-N dated 10 November, 2011) “Support directed towards reintegration of RA citizens returning from foreign countries” was recognized as priority issue for 2012 Objective of the State Policy to enhance return of the citizens of the Republic of Armenia from foreign countries and their further reintegration in the homeland
MAIN ACTIVITES TO BE CARRIED OUT BY RA GOVERNMENT TO ACHIEVE DEFINED GOAL (2012-2016) Running employment programmes and introduction of new ones directed at reintegration of returning RA citizens in the labour market Establishing advisory services for the RA citizens returning to Armenia within the state bodies working with migrants, activation of cooperation with the NGOs operating in this sector Holding negotiations with receiving countries on supporting the returning citizens in re-integration in Armenia Further improvement of internet information system supporting the return of the RA citizens from foreign countries, which will allow these people to directly communicate electronically with the specialists of relevant state government bodies and get quick and reliable responses to the questions they are interested in, dissemination of information on the systems within the RA citizens living abroad.
GENERAL STRUCTURE OF REINTEGRATION PROGRAMMS Narrow package Broad package Consultation on various areas of social life Guidance Education of school- age children Re-training of adults Support in establishing small business Support in job placing Physiological consultations, social and medical assistance
REINTEGRAITON PROGRAMMS IMPLEMENTED AND CURRENTLY BEING IMPLEMENTED IN ARMENIA Program on support of return of RA citizens from Netherlands Parties of the program International Center for Human Development (ICHD) Ministry of Justice of Netherlands, Ministry of Interior of Netherlands Start of the Program July of 2010 Return to Sources Program French Office of Immigration and Integration (OFII) Association Arménienne d’Aide Sociale (AAAS) French Armenian Development Foundation (FADF) Start of the Program November 2005
Program on sustainable reintegration after voluntary return REINTEGRAITON PROGRAMMS IMPLEMENTED AND CURRENTLY BEING IMPLEMENTED IN ARMENIA (continuation) Program on sustainable reintegration after voluntary return Parties of the program Government of Belgium Caritas International Belgium Armenian Caritas Start of the Program April of 2006 Program on support of return of RA citizens from Switzerland State Migration Service of Armenia Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) Program Duration 2004-2009
Large list of EU countries REINTEGRAITON PROGRAMMS IMPLEMENTED AND CURRENTLY BEING IMPLEMENTED IN ARMENIA (continuation) IOM Large list of EU countries Start of the Program Starting from 2006 PINF Duration of the Program 2009-2011 Eurasia Fund 2008-2010 Several thousand persons received reintegration assistance in the framework of aforementioned programs and there is rich experience in this field in Armenia
REINTEGRATION PROGRAM IN THE FRAMEWORK OF MOBILITY PARTNERSHIP (MP) Title: Strengthening Armenia's migration management capacities, with special focus on reintegration activities Cost of the program-3 mil. Euro Duration-3 years Program is implemented by 6 EU state members Program Main Implementer – OFII (France) Program Coordinator from Armenian side-State Migration Service of Armenia
PROBLEMS RELATED TO IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PROGRAM TOR of the Program has not been developed yet Program should be more directed towards providing reintegration services to returnees than strengthening capacities for policy development Budget envisaged for administrative costs of the program are extremely excessive. It is envisaged to use around 81 % of the program budget on administrative costs, that is to spend 4 Euro for providing 1 Euro service to returnees Mechanisms of cooperation between OFII and respective bodies of participating states have not been clarified yet The issue of Steering Committee of the Program are unclear as well.
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