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Presentation transcript:

UMSI Entrepreneurship Nancy A. Benovich Gilby Ehrenberg Director of Entrepreneurship Clinical Associate Professor  School of Information 650-539-8376 2016 Winter UMSI 363 Class #4

Only exceptionally gifted, male, boastful folks make good innovators??

You Will Be Forming TEAMS You want the LARGEST DIVERSITY, innovation explodes with multiple perspectives, get them the easiest way by recruiting people to your idea area that ARE NOT THE SAME AS YOU (but share similar values) RESPECT and INCLUDE everyone, all the time, every time. THE VERY FIRST THING INVESTORS LOOK FOR IS THE TEAM, THEN THE PEOPLE, THEN THEIR IDEA.

Team Project Overview Project Week: Project Week: Starts Feb 8 Through next Thurs: Submit your own ideas, reviews those that are there 2/1 Idea sponsors pitch ideas, you vote your top 3 Project Week: Project Week: Starts Feb 8 Form your team based on assignments, establish ground rules, Interviews round 1, build app scaffolding, Review Customer Development Round 1 and Potentially Pivot, Competition, sketch/wireframe Review Customer Development Round 2, Pivot, Competition 2, sketch/wireframe, Business Model Canvas Review Customer Development Round 3 Draft pitch, Dataset, backend, MVP prototype 1 KJ Affinity Diagram, final wireframe test with users All teams pitch and review, MVP prototype 2 Pitch and demo to VCs, Executives, Entrepreneurs

Labs HW #5 & #6

Terminology Classes – Objects? Methods – Functions? Variables – Instance Variables? Library – Protocol (Delegate) Application Framework – Model, View, Controller (MVC)

Swift Topics from Assignment #2 Delegates optional func vs func Connections: datasource and delegate connections for FirstView and SecondView Errors not connected - Override of function viewWilllLoad, how works How to read tableView( functions)

Swift “Gotcha” You must remember the prototype cell!! Example:

MVC – Model View Controller Times Table

Homework #5 Write the user stories in Trello with the done criteria on the back of the card for an app that prints a column of a multiplication table, as below: Times 10 User Stories for Trello As the slider slides to the right, the multiplier increases. Print a title with the multiplier (update multiplier in title and table when slider changes)

Homework #5 Steps – page 1 In Xcode, create a new, single view app In the main storyboard, add a slider control to the top of the view, add a label “Times”, add a blank label “ “ to the right of the “Times” for the multiplier. Make sure to add constraints to all the labels, controls, so the view works portrait and landscape! Create an outlet for the slidervalue Create an action for the slidermoved. In the action function, print(slidervalue). Run, in the simulator, rotate right & left to ensure your constraints are working. Slide the slider, look at the output. Add a tableView under the slider (NOT a tableViewController), add constraints Add a prototype cell. Link the tableview to the controller twice, once as a data source and then as the delegate Go to the code for the ViewController, add the UITableViewDelegate to the ViewController class definition.

Homework #5 Steps – page 2 In the ViewController, add (which is overriding) the UITableViewDelegate function tableView numberOfRowsInSection. This will be how many rows, let it be 12 (for no good reason except that we all memorized times tables to 12x12) In ViewController, add the TableView cellForRowAtIndexPath, as in the To Do List app, you need to create a cell variable that you will return, using the same identifier you used in the story board for the prototype cell Create a variable, times table for the value of the multiplier that you will get from the slider. Update the text label for the cell with the product of the multiplier and the row in the table. Return cell to complete the function cellForRowAtIndexPath. Voila, you be rockin’ 

Homework #5 Steps – page 3 Run the app, it should look like this, move the slider, nothing happens, lets fix that! We need to create a outlet for the table as it will need to be re-loaded/re-drawn once the slider moves. Go back to the storyboard, create an outlet, which connects the tableView and call it table. Back to the ViewController code, add table.reloadData() to your sliderMoved function. Run, now the table updates as you move the slider. Last step is to update the “Times Label” at the top of the screen so the label is the multiplier. Create an outlet form the “Label” label, call it multiplier. When we define timesTable in cellForRowAtIndexPath, that would be a good time to update the multiplier text add: Run….you should be done

Update Trello Test all the checklists on each of your user story cards. Move the all the cards to the Done list

Homework #6 Watch First App Create and run a simple app, create a label, connect to an outlet, update in code

Step #1 Create iOS First Watch App

Where is the storyboard? Code? Note: Storyboard is in WatchKit App Note: Code is in WatchKit Extension: Interface Controller

Add a Label Drag a label, drop at top of the screen Change text to First Watch App Change Size/Width to relative To Container

Add a Separator

Run Select iPhone 6s Plus – Apple Watch – 42mm Build and Run!

Create a new label, ctrl click to create an outlet updateLabel Create a new label, ctrl click to create an outlet updateLabel. SetText on the label in the function, awakeWithContext. Then run again!

To Get Credit for these Assignments Add Members to Trello……., , Try uploading your code to github and sending me a link. If too cumbersome, zip the folder, upload to canvas, we will download, run your code using the tests on the back of each trello card


You Will Be Forming TEAMS You want the LARGEST DIVERSITY, innovation explodes with multiple perspectives, get them the easiest way by recruiting people to your idea area that ARE NOT THE SAME AS YOU (but share similar values) RESPECT and INCLUDE everyone, all the time, every time. THE VERY FIRST THING INVESTORS LOOK FOR IS THE TEAM, THEN THE PEOPLE, THEN THEIR IDEA.

Why Bother with Agile? Importance of “Team”

Your Objectives in Team Formation Shared values for: Project Outcome How you treat one another to form mutual respect and trust Prepare and welcome multiple views = encourage productive, non-personal, conflict Get as much out of the other person for the benefit of shared values in project outcome NON Objectives: To prove you are smarter, more competent, better developer, more industry aware…… You will succeed (or otherwise not do so well), on the project based on your ability to form a team

What Does it Generally Look Like without Agile?

Agile YOU Product Owner

Scrum Process

Agile and Scrum

Team Formation Aether Companion App for students Cancer patient distress tracker Help PTSD patients to interrupt flashbacks Track, record, reminders for medications International Internship Directory Baby's first milestones MITech News Classroom Bingo Communication app between surgery care team and families MAHACHEM Mott Art Collection and 10,000 steps guide Michigan based music service ERZEMMI My Choices and My Voice for Comfort to help children decrease pain increase comfort MGOOEL BENSEGAL

Move to your team and…. Introduce Values Communication Covenant Target User bullets Urgent Problem Value Hypothesis Theme question Organize how you will get interviews done this week

Introductions, Shared Team Values & Objectives Hi, I am <name>, a <2nd yr> <masters> in <UMSI LIS> My area of passion is <shared economy> OR <undecided> NOTE: Speak loudly, firmly, shake hands firmly, look the person straight in the eye, don’t look away, SMILE, shoulders back, BREATH then HI…… YOU ARE CONFIDENT YOU BELONG HERE….. If you don’t feel it then PRETEND you do or ask yourself what would it look like if you were confident?????

Value Hypothesis Business Model Canvas WHO, SPECIFICALLY is the absolutely, no questions asked, FIRST person (NOT YOUR MOTHER) who will use your product or service? What is important about them? How do you find them? WRITE DOWN 3 bullet points the team agrees that describe this person EXAMPLE TARGET USER: Mother of 2+, school age children, 25-45 Works part or full time and/or has many outside of the home activities during the day and/or evenings Lives in an urban area, school is in an urban area, work is in an urban area

Who is the FIRST target, specifically

”Build Something for SOMEBODY Instead of Everything FOR NOBODY" - Geoffrey Moore in “Crossing the Chasm”

Exercise 3 Value Hypothesis Business Model Canvas WHAT IS THEIR PROBLEM??, SPECIFICALLY what is a point of severe, gut wrenching pain (or what do you guess it is?) WRITE DOWN THE PAIN, FEEL IT EXAMPLE PROBLEM FOR TARGET USER: Mother’s as primary family organizer are constantly stressed out with unexpected pickup/drop off of their children to/from school or outside activities

Value Hypothesis Business Model Canvas Formulate your hypothesis around their point of pain??, SPECIFICALLY what do you need to ask and verify to be sure you understand what you can fix in your passion area WRITE YOUR HYPOTHSIS …… Example: Working mothers need a community ride sharing and coordination service they can trust their children with YOUR HYPOTHOSIS IS NOT: Will Mom’s (like my mom) like my idea? NO LEADING THE USER

Design Thinking

Business Model Canvas

Business Model Canvas – Plain English

IDEATION: Customer Development Customer Search Customer Validation Problems Solutions

Value for Who?

The Sequoia 10 Competition List competitors List competitive advantages Product Product line-up (form factor, functionality, features, architecture, intellectual property). Development roadmap. Business model Revenue model Pricing Average account size and/or lifetime value Sales & distribution model Customer/pipeline list Team Founders & Management Board of Directors/Board of Advisors Financials P&L Balance sheet Cash flow Cap table The deal We like business plans that present a lot of information in as few words as possible. The following business plan format, within 15–20 slides, is all that’s needed. Company purpose Define the company/business in a single declarative sentence. Problem Describe the pain of the customer (or the customer’s customer). Outline how the customer addresses the issue today. Solution Demonstrate your company’s value proposition to make the customer’s life better. Show where your product physically sits. Provide use cases. Why now Set-up the historical evolution of your category. Define recent trends that make your solution possible. Market size Identify/profile the customer you cater to. Calculate the TAM (top down), SAM (bottoms up) and SOM.

Team Project Overview Project Week: Project Week: Starts Feb 8 Through next Thurs: Submit your own ideas, reviews those that are there 2/1 Idea sponsors pitch ideas, you vote your top 3 Project Week: Project Week: Starts Feb 8 Form your team based on assignments, establish ground rules, Interviews round 1, build app scaffolding, Review Customer Development Round 1 and Potentially Pivot, Competition, sketch/wireframe Review Customer Development Round 2, Pivot, Competition 2, sketch/wireframe, Business Model Canvas Review Customer Development Round 3 Draft pitch, Dataset, backend, MVP prototype 1 KJ Affinity Diagram, final wireframe test with users All teams pitch and review, MVP prototype 2 Pitch and demo to VCs, Executives, Entrepreneurs

Team Project Overview Project Week: Starts Feb 8th Ideas submitted, reviewed 2/1 Idea sponsors pitched ideas, you vote your top 3 Project Week: Starts Feb 8th Form your team based on assignments, establish ground rules, Interviews round 1, Review Customer Development Round 1 and Potentially Pivot, Competition, Market size Review Customer Development Round 2, Pivot, sketch/wireframe, Business Model Canvas Review Customer Development Round 3 Draft pitch, Dataset, backend, build app scaffolding, KJ Affinity Diagram, final wireframe test with users All teams pitch and review, MVP prototype 2 Pitch and demo to VCs, Executives, Entrepreneurs

HOMEWORK #3 PROJECT HOMEWORK: Submit your team Name (you can change it later) Submit your completed Communications Covenant (link to template on canvas)

HOMEWORK #4 PROJECT HOMEWORK: Test your: Target User Urgent problem (NOT YOUR Value Hypothesis, yet) Each person interviews 3 target users, records, writes 2-3 Post-IT notes on each interview Record – while recording ask permission, record on your phone, camtasia Follow the format on the next slide, it is called the KJ Method, takes about 10-15 mins per interview: Submit: Target User Bullets Urgent Problem One recording from each person that best affirms (or not) your urgent problem

KJ Method 1: (Jiro Kawakita) Supports groups to quickly reach a consensus on priorities of subjective, qualitative data You will be using a structured Contextual Inquiry approach called the KJ Method, where you ask 4 Open-ended questions around your problem area, based on a THEM question constructed from your urgent problem: THEME QUESTION: What did Mother’s as primary family organizer say they need to help with to ease constantly being stressed out with unexpected pickup/drop off of their children to/from school or outside activities Tell me about how you (do today without your intended solution? (Find out as much as you can about their worldview but DO NOT LEAD THEM) What complaints, problems, weaknesses do you have? What do you like? What should we do (specifically, RIGHT NOW) to improve the weaknesses you mentioned prior?

KJ Method 2:

KJ Method Teams, you must all help each other to find 3 target customers each. You may find after doing 1 or 2 that the attributes of your customer need to change or that you hypothesis is wrong and needs to change or both! HAVE FUN... THE AREA YOU CHOSE IS INTERESTING ... this is an opportunity for you to learn about your area of passion, it's not about if your idea is right or wrong, you have plenty of time to fix it. Instructions 1. Each team member, find three target users to interview. Record the interview (before recording ask permission. Record on your phone or use something like Camtasia). 2. DO NOT TELL THEM ABOUT ANY IDEAS/PRODUCTS, your job is to validate and dig deeper into their problems to validate your value hypothesis you formulated. 3. You will be using a structured Contextual Inquiry approach called the KJ Method, where you ask 4 Open-ended questions around your problem area: 1. Tell me about how you (do today without your intended solution? (Find out as much as you can about their worldview but DO NOT LEAD THEM) 2. What complaints, problems, weaknesses do you have? 3. What do you like? 4. What should we do (specifically, RIGHT NOW) to improve the weaknesses you mentioned prior? EXAMPLE: Area: 3D printing prosthetic hands Problem: People who need prosthetic hands cannot get them because they are too expensive Write the question as hypothesis: What are the most crucial problems in using 3D printed prosthetic hands? 1. Tell me about how you work with your hands? 4. What should we do (specifically, RIGHT NOW) to improve the weaknesses? 4. From each interview write down the 1 or 2 quotes on a post it note (IN THE CUSTOMER’S WORDS EXACTLY) that best answer your WHAT question. From the example: “What are the most crucial problems in using 3D printed prosthetic hands?”

Record and Write Top Quotes

HOMEWORK #3 PROJECT HOMEWORK: Submit your team Name (you can change it later) Submit your completed Communications Covenant (link to template on canvas)

HOMEWORK #4 PROJECT HOMEWORK: Test your: Target User Urgent problem (NOT YOUR Value Hypothesis, yet) Each person interviews 3 target users, records, writes 2-3 Post-IT notes on each interview Record – while recording ask permission, record on your phone, camtasia Follow the format on the next slide, it is called the KJ Method, takes about 10-15 mins per interview: Submit: Target User Bullets Urgent Problem One recording from each person that best affirms (or not) your urgent problem